Thursday 8th July 2021
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well, we are doing alright at this end. Pre-warning…long blog today to catch you up on an eventful week.
I haven’t popped online to say hello for a few days for a couple of reasons.
The first is because of the bad news we got recently that I mentioned but didn’t explain. Basically, our landlord is unsure of the future of the building block that we live in, so when they were hit with a failed electrical audit they weren’t going to put any funds into making the necessary repairs, meaning we were given notice and have spent the last couple of weeks house hunting. Today however, after a lot of back and forth and needing to have an advocate step in for me…we got a phone call to tell us that they have decided to do the repairs so we are not required to leave the property! We have time to make our own decisions now, decisions that are suitable for my health and for us as a couple and it means we can have an idea of what we will do if/when the building is demolished. So we have had a weight lifted off our shoulders! This was music to our ears as the other half and I have been on edge for the entirety of our birthdays (mine being the 3rd July, his the 7th).
Which brings me to the second reason for my absence, and a much more positive one…we have spent our annual leave from work (as well as house hunting) celebrating our birthdays! We went on the duty free cruise I mentioned last time, the other half has been watching the England games (we are doing really well so he is super happy), we have seen our parents and siblings and have enjoyed spending time with each other. It is a shame that it has been overshadowed by the housing situation, but at least the positive phone call was today, giving us one less thing to worry about when we get back to work.
For my birthday, the other half got me a size A2 light box! I am super excited to start using this for the large pieces of art I create, usually I use my A4 which is great…but A2 means I won’t need to move the paper around so much so I am chuffed with that! I plan on doing another large piece in the future, probably fan art again…I have had a couple of requests for gifts for my family and friends…hey, it saves me having to come up with my own ideas for them all and I know they will like it! So at some point in the future you will start seeing bits for that. When I do traditional art, I like to do my sketches on a separate paper (you probably remember me showing you some of these in the past), then I use the light box to transfer my sketches onto my final paper so I have nice clean line art. The sketches, more often than not, end up stuck in my art journal or stuck together in a frame as the other half loves seeing the first stages of the art all stuck together.
For the other half’s birthday…he usually likes to get parts for his computer, being a gamer it is important to him to have things that aren’t out of date so the PC will run his games smoothly (and this is the extent of my knowledge). Normally I would give him some money for parts but this time I wanted to get him something that he doesn’t have…a microphone. His headset comes with a microphone attached of course, but having played the PC games with him before, I know that he will either be too quiet or too noisy so I got him one of those that sits on an arm and has foam and who knows what else (technophobe over here). It looks really smart and easy to use and he loves it! He also got a nice hand made card from me, I sketched our late piggie, something he has wanted me to do for a while, he loves that too!
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Friday 2nd July 2021
Hi, welcome back!
Hope you are well?
The last few days have been spent finishing my final shifts at work and starting my annual leave. It is my birthday tomorrow!!! So we are heading out on one of these duty free cruises from Holyhead to Dublin and back, the other half is looking forward to getting his allowance full of beers to stash for the remainder of the summer. His birthday is on the 7th too so there are a few days of celebrating to be had!
The other half loves the football…I don’t particularly follow it but apparently we are doing very well and we have a big match tomorrow so he will be watching that on the boat. I made him this little keyring to show his support for England.
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Sunday 27th June 2021
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well?
I have been off work for a couple of days after 6 days in, I took full advantage of having some rest. I woke up early on both days as if I was going to work so I rolled over and went straight back to sleep. The other half and I just have a few more days at work then we are both off for nearly 2 weeks for our birthdays! You may remember, our birthdays are just days apart so we like to take at least a week off work together. I may randomly vanish again as we have a lot planned to try and cheer ourselves up after the last bit of news we got but I will always be back with something for you to see!
The other half liked the keyring I made for Father’s Day so much that I made him one for himself…an early birthday gift I guess…he loves it so I wanted to show you this today.
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Thursday 24th June 2021
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well?
The other half and I have had some bad news this week that has thrown a spanner in the works for a lot of things for the both of us, it will be changing things for us for a while but we are getting on top of it this week so hopefully it won’t bother us too badly for our birthday celebrations at the start of July! I will give you a full update when I know more of what is going on. Anyway, because of this, plus the overtime at work, I have done no drawing for a solid two days…I do however have something from a couple of weeks ago that I can now show you. I made a keyring for a friends birthday and she has opened her gift now so I can show you. She loved it and put it on her keys there and then!
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Monday 21st June 2021
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well?
The other half and I have spent the post couple of days working so we have spent the evenings binge watching TV and resting up for work the next day. Today is the first day of summer here and as usual I am creating a new print for the season. Unfortunately, this time round I am not quite done with it. I wanted to spend a bit more time on it in recent weeks but between work, overtime and my other art commitments I decided that I would put this on a backburner for now, adding to it bit by bit. Anyway, summer isn’t just for one day so before the end of the season you will see the finished product and I will announce its availability for sale…stay tuned! In the meantime, here is a pen doodle I did in the early stages to get the ideas flowing for the final print…
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Saturday 19th June 2021
HAPPY FATHER’S DAY (for tomorrow)!
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well, we are doing alright at this end!
We have been celebrating Father’s Day early this year because a few of us are unavailable tomorrow so we got together tonight. This year is the first Father’s Day without my Grandad who, as you know, sadly passed away shortly before Christmas. So my folks, my brother, my auntie and uncle, and myself and the other half celebrated absent Fathers. We had some delicious homemade cupcakes that I bought from a lady I know from work, and we had a beautiful home cooked meal which mostly my Brother and I made, my Mum made some of the starters for us though. We had a photo cake of mine and my Brother’s Dad, my Mum’s Dad, my Auntie’s Dad and my Step-Dad and Uncle’s Dad and toasted to them with some champagne and beers for the drinkers and fizzy drinks for the none drinkers.
Of course we also want celebrate present Fathers…the other half has planned with his Dad on meeting next weekend when they are both off work, he will take his gifts with him then…and my Step-Dad opened his gifts today. I made a card for him and he got a joint purchased present from me and my Brother, some beers that the other half brought for the toast, and I made a keyring for him using beer bottle tops, He loved it all!
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Wednesday 16th June 2021
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well?
I have spent the last few days in work and did some infection control champion training today…but I have also spent a decent amount of time relaxing and I am starting to a feel a little more like myself. My drawings are coming along nicely, I can’t wait for you to see them. In the meantime here is a random geometric style mandala doodle that I did while I was warming my wrist up for drawing…
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Sunday 13th June 2021
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well, we are doing alright at this end.
Yesterday I went to the beach to enjoy some peace and quiet and the summery weather we have been having. Coated in sun cream, with several layers of clothing, and a chair from my Mum’s garden, I managed to avoid pain AND sunburn…I count that as a win!
The sun tired us all out so I wasn’t about to sit down and do any big bits of art (I am still working on stuff you aren’t allowed to see yet you see) so I did some mini doodles. When I say mini – these are 1×1 inches…
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Friday 11th June 2021
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well.
Apologies for my continued absences…as I have mentioned previously, I have been doing a bit of extra work so my drawing energy is being used up on those shifts. I would like to have the energy to do everything I want to all the time but with my conditions it can be difficult to just get through my normal week.
Anyway, last weekend we went to Mrs Dowson’s Farm to see the dinosaur event and the farm animals…everyone really enjoyed themselves, it was incredible! We also got some ice cream to eat on the day and some potted ice cream for our freezer…YUM! We were feeding the animals…cows, goats, emus, etc. which was so much fun and a great way to interact with the animals safely too. That night when I got home I was wiped out so I decided to doodle one of the animals I took a photo of. When I say doodle…this is the sort of thing I do when I’m doing a rough pen sketch but I found him so cute and funny I decided to post him how he is. He looks like he has a grump on but really I think he was smiling because we had just fed him…
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Tuesday 8th June 2021
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well, we are doing alright at this end.
I am just popping online quickly tonight to let you know that we are safe and well at this end. I have had a busy schedule lately as I have previously mentioned so I haven’t any art to show you at the moment. However, when I have finished these pieces I will pop them online for you, so you have something to look forward to. In the meantime I will try and do some doodling for you when I get chance. All is well, just busy busy! 🙂
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Friday 4th June 2021
Happy Hug Your Cat Day!
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well, we are doing alright at this end.
The other half and I have both been working all week, I was in for an extra couple of shifts as I mentioned the other day so today was my first day off. I still managed to get to my physio session and we are planning a day trip tomorrow, then I am back in work for a few more days.
Someone told me that today is hug your cat day, so obviously I was very pleased that I was at home today to actually be able to hug the girls. We snuggle whenever I am home, I rarely have to ask for love from them…but one of them has taken a liking to the other half so I was pleased to have them to myself today. We watched some mean girls and I drew the beautiful little twinny triangle faces they were giving me while they were sleeping…one of them was sleeping with her little chinny on her paws while the other was showing me her belly, which they let me touch with minimal attacks!
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Wednesday 2nd June 2021
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well?
I have spent the last few days at work and I have been asked to cover some more shifts over the next couple of weeks too, so I may vanish for a couple of days at a time but I will always pop on again to say hello.
I don’t know about where you are, but here it is hot! Today we reached 28C, which is hot for Manchester…we are used to getting rain…and I am incredibly pale…with dark hair to attract the sun…so as you can imagine I have some form of heatstroke from the last few days of summery weather. As such, I decided to draw what I feel and I feel like I am melting!
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Sunday 30th May 2021
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well?
I have gone back to work today and will be in for the next 4 days, I made sure to get some decent rest when I got home today though so hopefully I can plod on alright over the next few days.
I wanted to pop online quickly tonight to show you the finished and framed Naruto Shippuden fan art!
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Friday 28th May 2021
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well, we are doing alright at this end.
The other half has been in work today so I have spent most of the day doing some artwork. I have pretty much finished my Naruto fan art so I will get that posted on here asap. I was also working on some Father’s Day ideas but I’m not sure yet what my final piece of art will be…I did make a little something today though which I am pleased with BUT I will have to show you after the day itself of course.
Last year I contributed a piece of art to Mermay, I don’t particularly like doing one a day if I am up to other stuff so I have decided to do just the one this year too. I didn’t have any great ideas for original mermaid art…I put this down to doing gift art, fan art and commissions, as well as overtime at work to get my training in on another department. So, in the end I opted for some fan art, but I wasn’t in the mood for drawing a mermaid either. I decided in the end to paint the Golden Egg clue from Harry Potter…this egg has music sung by mermaids and eventually leads Harry and the others to the mermaids of the Black Lake – so close enough in my opinion!
This is mixed media – water colour and coloured pencil.
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Wednesday 26th May 2021
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well?
I have spent the last few days in work but today the other half and I were both off. He took me for my x-ray but otherwise we have had a rather chilled out day at home. We watched a bunch of Hell’s Kitchen again, then I started binge watching Shrek while he was on his games. I have been doing a little bit of colouring here and there after work and while watching TV and I am almost done…
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Sunday 23rd May 2021
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well?
Apologies for the absence, as I mentioned in a previous blog I have been working a fair amount and anticipated being fully exhausted. I have been doing a very small amount of colouring each night while I have been away from my blogs and I have managed to start all of my Naruto fan art colouring…I typically start with the pale colours and work my way to the darkest colours last, I have done a little bit on each drawing so some are further along than others. Here are 3 of the incomplete ones for you to see…
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Wednesday 19th May 2021
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well?
I am feeling more and more tired each day with work and my pain and lacking sleep etc…but I have something to show you so I thought I would pop online quickly.
The other day we had a birthday in the family and the other half wanted me to do some work on a nice gift he had chosen out. He had bought this nice looking beer holder and wanted me to personalise one side of it, we discussed the different options and the other half opted for the black background with golden letters. He also wanted me to use my pyrography tool to emboss some of the letters. We loved the way it turned out and so did the recipient, though it could have had something to do with the 4 beers the other half filled it with!
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Monday 17th May 2021
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well?
The other half and I had a couple of days off together so we managed to spend a bit of time with each other. The other half was very excited when we went out to the market because he was able to buy some of the different flavoured cheeses that he loves.
I was back at work yesterday and today and I have a bit of a busy week ahead of me with my shifts so if I vanish for a while I am fine, just most likely tired. I want to show you the final Naruto character line art fan art that I did…Choji. I will show you them all when they are coloured as well, I have a couple of things on but you will definitely see them soon.
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Friday 14th May 2021
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well, we are doing alright at this end.
The other half has been in work so I have had the last couple of days to rest up as planned. The 3rd series of 9-1-1 became available online so I binge watched that and now I have to wait for more. Anyway, I decided I wanted to finish the line art of these Naruto characters before I hit them with the colour so here is another one for you…Sai. I have one more to show you then we will be on to the colours.
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Wednesday 12th May 2021
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well?
I have done my last day at work this week, I will be back on Sunday so I definitely did not do any colouring the last few days. I am going to be spending the next couple of days resting and watching some movies, so I will maybe do some colouring then…I have done another piece of line art for you to look at…Ino this time.
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Sunday 9th May 2021
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well?
I have gone back to work today for the next few days while the other half has been off. So I came home to spend some time with him, we watched some Hell’s Kitchen and I snuggled my kitties and just had a nice relaxing evening. I am popping online tonight to show you my Shippuden fan art. I am hoping to get 7 of these characters done for my art wall but I don’t know yet if I want to take a break from line art to do some colouring or just finish all the characters before I hit them with colour…we will see what I have next time ey? In the meantime here is Rock Lee…
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Friday 7th May 2021
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well, we are doing alright at this end.
The other half has been working today so I got plenty of rest in. I am feeling more and more exhausted every day, whether I am in work, at home, in bed, getting fresh air…whatever, either way I am still tired.
I have therefore continued to do my fan art sketches and do the line art but I haven’t started the colouring process of my Naruto Shippuden characters. I decided I will do this when I have finished all of the ones I want to draw. Today I will show you the line art for Naruto himself. When these get displayed in my art area I will be putting this one at the top…
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Tuesday 4th May 2021
Happy 5th kitty birthday to my twinny baby girlies!
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well?
Today my girlies turn 5 years old!! I had to work today but my shift for tomorrow has been cancelled so I get to spend some time with them then. Today though, they got some treats and a brand new toy when I got home from work, followed by loads of snuggles which they absolutely love!
I also did a little kitty portrait of them, they have white fur mostly, with little patches of tabby on them, they are twins and have just a few differences. I can tell them apart right away but the other half still struggles. He uses the little tells that they have…one has wider eyes, softer fur and pink lips, she also has the smallest meow ever…while the other has less white behind her ears, a more adult looking face and black lips, while she can do a big meow for a solid 15 seconds without taking a breath. Here is my little line art of them…
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Sunday 2nd May 2021
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well, we are doing alright at this end.
I was back to work today, my next day off being on Thursday…day one and I am already too tired to function when I get home from work. Never mind, I will manage…I may just have to vanish from my next blog if I get any worse. In the meantime though, here is another character I chose to draw from Naruto Shippuden. I am hoping to draw a couple more, which you may see in coming blogs. I will also show you the final pieces when they get done. Anyway, this time I chose Sakura…
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Friday 30th April 2021
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well?
The other half and I enjoyed breakfast on the balcony this morning…and good job we chose breakfast because the sun quickly went in and the heavy rain followed! So we spent the afternoon watching some more Naruto Shippuden. It is literally taking us ages to get through it since the other half isn’t interested in the fillers so we stop watching it for weeks at a time. Anyway, we got through another 5 episodes this afternoon and I spent the evening doing some sketches of Naruto characters while the other half was gaming. I have done the line art for Hinata so I thought I would show you that tonight…
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Wednesday 28th April 2021
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are ok, we are doing alright at this end.
The other half was off work today and stayed in to wait for the dishwasher to be delivered…if you caught up with me last time about this you will know that this is a 3rd time’s the charm situation. So far it looks good and seems to be working with no issues so wish us luck! This will make things a lot easier for me on my most painful days, so we are chuffed about it!
I have spent the last few days in work so I am feeling pretty tired at the moment, I definitely wanted to just roll into bed but I figured getting into bed straight after work isn’t the best idea if I want to sleep tonight. I decided instead to pop on here and have a quick catch up with you…I figured I could show you another one of my digital doodles like last time. This time it is a simple line art of black roses with gold leaves (which I know aren’t rose leaves but I really liked how they added height to the roses so I took some artistic liberties there). It was inspired by some beautiful purple roses the other half got for me on the weekend! I like how it turned out so I will pop it on Redbubble for you in case you like it too!
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Sunday 25th April 2021
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well?
The last few days I have been trying to enjoy my days off while the sun has been out, I have been for outdoor distanced visits with friends and family while sitting and enjoying some really beautiful scenery. I therefore have spent all of about 10 minutes a day at my desk or working on any sort of art so I have done a lot of doodling rather than full pieces of art or bits of fan art or anything…hence me skipping a blog. I am just popping on tonight to let you know that I am doing alright, I went back to work today and will be in for 4 days but will definitely do something artful for you to look at soon. In the meantime, here is a nice little mandala doodle I drew digitally.
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Wednesday 21st April 2021
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well, we are doing alright at this end.
I have been in work the last couple of days so having had the whole day off to myself today I *drumroll* RESTED! Yey! As per, I didn’t get much done today as I am never much use after being in work. I spent most of the day finishing off the series of Sword Art Online that is available on the streaming service that I use, requesting attention from my cats and spending the evening with the other half when he finished work. One of my two kitties decided she wanted minimal snuggles today…until now! She is sitting on my mouse and keyboard with her butt in my face as if she was never offered snuggles today…
Anyways, I also did a little bit of drawing today and finished one of them…I tried uploading it to Redbubble but there was an error so I will try again in the coming days. I did the line art in black and white so both will be available on my Redbubble page for you to choose from when they get uploaded. I chose to do this this because I honestly overthink nearly every little thing on the daily and have lost so much sleep in the last few weeks because my mind just won’t stop…so I thought I might as well draw something related to what I am doing.
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Sunday 18th April 2021
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well?
The other half and I have been in work today so I haven’t much to report. I did however get to set up another treasure hunt for my Mum yesterday. This was to find her third and final Mother’s Day gift (I spaced them out with about two weeks between each one).
Set up around her house was a bunch of clues that I had created using some colourful scrapbooking card. On the front they have the clue number so she knew she had found the correct clue (she managed to miss only one so she was sent back for it), and on the back was the clue she needed to find the next clue and so on until she reached the end. By the end of the hunt she had been given enough clues to guess that she was having a massage, collecting things along the way…such as a pillow, blanket and body oil. Definitely needed after the year we have had and she very much enjoyed it!
Here are the front of the clues so you can see what I mean about colourful scrapbooking card. I ended up adding little flower doodles to the front of each one to make them even cuter…
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Friday 16th April 2021
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well?
The other half and I have had the last couple of days off together and have enjoyed the sunny weather on the balcony. We also had a bit of gaming tonight with the gang online so that was something I could look forward to! While I was on the balcony earlier I repotted some of my plants because they have been trying to die for the last few weeks…I painted a pot last year with a base coat of white. I had every intention of finishing it but I changed my mind in the end so I got a Sharpie marker and did some doodling to spruce it up a bit. Here’s hoping that my plants will feel better now they have more room to grow and a pretty new pot..wish me luck (a friend at work is trying to advise me on proper plant care so they have a fighting chance).
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Wednesday 14th April 2021
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well, we are doing alright at this end.
The other half and I enjoyed a little bit of sunshine today. This evening the other half has been gaming and I have been video calling with one of my friends! While we have been chatting I have finished off my Hogwarts Powerpuff Girls fan art…
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Monday 12th April 2021
Hi, welcome back!
I hope youa re well?
The other half and I have both been working this weekend but tonight after work he wanted to go to our favourite bar to support small local businesses on their first day opening back up after lockdown. I haven’t spent a lot of time trying to do any art over the weekend but I have popped on quickly today to show you the colouring work in progress of the Hogwarts Powerpuff Girls fan art…
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Friday 9th April 2021
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well, we are doing alright this end.
I have a strange one for you today…as a kid I loved watching The Powerpuff Girls…and as you have probably figured out by now, I am a bit addicted to Harry Potter. I decided the girls are three of the colours I would need to draw the Hogwarts colours, so I chose Mojo Jojo as the 4th colour and dressed the Professor up in professors robes. I have decided I need to work on my circles…todays hand shaking didn’t make for nice looking circles – but here it is, my Hogwarts Powerpuff Girls line art (errors and all). Come back soon for the coloured piece.
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Wednesday 7th April 2021
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well?
So…apologies for my random absences in the last few weeks, I have not been at my strongest for a number of reasons but you can likely guess that it’s the usual suspects. Obviously I am always exhausted with my conditions as you know, plus work, plus the ear infection (the one that started in December and spread to my nose, throat, head and chest) is still here, plus changes in my meds, etc, etc.
Anyways, I have done a bit of doodling here and there and I will start getting some stuff uploaded onto Redbubble for you again soon, the other art I have uploaded is still there though so take a look anyway if you haven’t already. Today I will show you a Happy Little Bee doodle that I have done for you and I will pop it on Redbubble so you can take a look at him there in the coming days!
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Sunday 4th April 2021
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well, we are doing alright this end.
The other half and I were back at work today so we had our Easter yesterday…hence my absence. The other half enjoyed having Easter eggs when he came home from work too. Meanwhile I was doing some Easter doodles to keep my mind occupied while I was resting.
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Thursday 1st April 2021
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well, we are doing alright at this end.
Today I am here to show you something a little different than what we are used to here. Instead of showing you my own artwork, I have decided to have a featured artist appear on my blog today…my other half!
The other half doesn’t like to do art but will appreciate a finished piece when it shown to him so I was surprised to see how much time he spent on this. His Mum’s birthday is today and she had chosen a paint by numbers picture of some kitties that she really liked, so the other half set off on his new art adventure and created this amazing piece…
With his permission he is being featured on today’s blog and is happy to remain named as “The Other Half” as that is what you know him as.
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Tuesday 30th March 2021
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well?
I am still feeling a little bit poorly from my recent covid jab, I am reacting similar to how I did for my flu jab so I have still been going to work. I skipped the blog yesterday though as I was feeling a bit too tired, however I have returned today to show you the secret art I was talking about last time.
This is a little treasure hunt I created for my Mum for a belated Mother’s Day gift. Here is the first page (Treasure Hunt), the third page (Answers), and most of the final page (Solution, some is missing as it holds a clue with the name of the person who she would be collecting the gift from). On the second page are some questions, which I haven’t included because some are personal to my Mum…she had to answer the questions by writing the answers on the third page and use the characters from the blue boxes to find the solutions. Mum then had to figure out that the blue boxes gave her an address – a number and a postcode, from which she could collect her gift!
Mum said she really enjoyed this and would like to do it again in the future (I have another belated gift coming in a few weeks). What do you think…would you find this fun?
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Saturday 27th March 2021
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well?
The other half and I have now both been fully Covid Vaccinated as I mentioned the other day. He reacted a little to the first jab but had barely any symptoms this time round. I only had a sore arm and felt a bit warm last time, this time I felt nauseous and dizzy too so I just spent most of yesterday in bed.
I am feeling a bit better today so I went out for some fresh air and saw some pretty lambs in a field doing their little jumps! I also made something ready for tomorrow but I can’t show you yet as it is a surprise – the next blog maybe! For now I will show you one of the scribbles I did while I was lay in bed yesterday…just used some printer paper and a HB pencil that I keep next to my bed.
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Thursday 25th March 2021
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well, we are doing alright at this end…although the other half will have you believe his arm has fallen off. We had our second vaccines today and are both doing well but he isn’t fond of needles.
I have spent the last few days in work and did a couple of hours extra to help on the phones so I decided to skip yesterdays blog…I did upload the art I am showing you today on Redbubble yesterday so you may have seen it on there already! It is a nice simple leaf design in black and white…
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Monday 22nd March 2021
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well, we are doing alright at this end.
The other half and I have both been at work so have nothing much to report, we are however getting our next covid jab later in the week which is good news. I have been super tired and my back has been playing up again so I keep falling asleep wherever I am sat. Anyway, because of this I have just been doing some doodling to keep my hands busy while listening to my audiobook in the hope that I don’t simply fall asleep!
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Saturday 20th March 2021
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well?
I decided to skip the blog yesterday and see you today instead because today is the first day of Spring! So I wanted to introduce you to “Spring 2021”, this is a 6×8″ (15x20cm) print for £10 including 1st class p&p. You can email me to buy a signed copy (just pop the title of the print that you would like in the email so I can get it sent out to you). You can also check out my Redbubble where I have uploaded the image so you can get it printed on different products!
Wednesday 17th March 2021
Hi, welcome back!
Happy St Patrick’s Day!
I hope you are well, we are doing alright at this end.
I have been in work for the last few days, as well as doing a few extra hours of overtime…so I haven’t gotten round to doing any more original artwork for Redbubble but I plan on doing this over the coming days.
I have returned today to show you the coloured completed version of the Kirito/Kazuto fan art as promised…I will see you soon hopefully, with some new art for you.
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Monday 15th March 2021
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well?
Happy Mother’s Day for yesterday! As promised I have returned today to show you the card that I made for my Mum. I painted this 5×7 piece for her and attached it to a card in such a way that it can be dismantled and displayed on the wall should she wish to. She really liked it, as well as the hydrangea bag I got her from my Redbubble store! She has some further gifts coming in a few weeks but I can’t tell you about them as they are surprises for her.
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Saturday 13th March 2021
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well?
The other half and I have had the day off today, he has spent most of the day on his games or watching his TV. I spent the day drawing and colouring some more Sword Art Online fan art as well as making my Mother’s Day card ready for tomorrow.
Today I want to show you my completed Asuna fan art from Sword Art Online. Next time I will show you my Mother’s Day card and at some point after that I will show you my completed Kirito/Kazuto, so come back soon!
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Thursday 11th March 2021
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well?
The other half was working today so I took full advantage and binge watched half a season of Sword Art Online, as I realised the 3rd season has been uploaded to one of the streaming sites I use.
Of course you surely know me well enough by now to know that I didn’t just sit there watching it…I decided to draw Kirito/Kazuto in his IRL school uniform. Here is the line art for it…stay tuned for more next time!
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Tuesday 9th March 2021
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well, we are doing alright at this end.
The other half was in work today and I had a day off to use my annual leave. You guessed it…I got some rest…I just simply fell asleep sat on the settee. Tomorrow we are planning on getting a couple of groceries while we are both off and maybe go for a short walk to the park again.
I mentioned the other day that I had added some eyelashes and colour to tired Marge, so I thought I would show you what that looks like finished…a nice colourful little doodle for my art journal.
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Sunday 7th March 2021
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well?
I was back in work today and will be working tomorrow too…but I took Tuesday off to use my annual leave before they renew in April, so that gives me a whole extra day to do art!
This evening the half was on his games so I went on the Simpsons Hit and Run on the play station 2 that my brother and folks dropped round for me. Yesterday the other half and I went off to feed the ducks again, it is the easiest way for me to get “exercise”. I use the quotation marks because I can barely make it to the park with my pain so we go fairly slowly, stop frequently and I pretty much never make it without the other half…but it is nice to get the fresh air and see the birds and squirrels…and a neighbourhood cat this time too!
The fresh air does help sometimes, especially with how tired I always am. I haven’t really told you the ins and outs of my conditions…but it is safe to say that I am exhausted just by sitting up or walking to the other side of the room, so getting through a full days work or a trip to the park is an achievement and I have to remind myself of that every time. Have you ever been so tired that your face can’t hide it, even your hair looks tired…or is that just me and Marge?..
Since taking this picture for you, I have added eyelashes and started to colour her but I wanted to show you something different today as I haven’t done much in terms of traditional art in the last few weeks.
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Friday 5th March 2021
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well?
The other half was at work today so you guessed it…I got some rest again. I have been feeling super unwell for months now, they are trying me on nose drops because I can hear gluggling sounds in my good ear now. I took myself to physio tonight anyway and watched a bit of House when the other half got home. In the day I have started to binge watch 9-1-1 but after a couple of sittings I have nearly finished what is available on my login.
At the end of February I ordered myself some of my new products from Redbubble. Two reasons – 1, I wanted to check the quality of my products in person, and 2, I wanted to treat myself. The other half got his dino things (I got him a t-shirt and a canvas print at his request…I will try to show you at some point) and my new purple bag arrived! It goes very well with my purple hoodie…not sure if I tell you this often enough but I like purple haha. Anyway, the bag is excellent quality, it arrived before the estimated delivery dates and it has already survived a trip out to do some grocery shopping last weekend, so I am chuffed with it! Get your hands on one of your own here.
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Wednesday 3rd March 2021
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well?
The other half and I have had the day off work today and we went for a short walk to get some fresh air, I collected my meds while I was out too. The ear infection that was spreading into my nose and throat has spread into my other ear now, I keep getting a glugging sound which is super painful. So after work yesterday we did some Naruto binge watching to cheer my up and give my body a bit of a break, then I headed straight to bed.
I did however managed to muster up a cute little bit of art to cheer myself up today, heavily inspired by my two girls getting completely in the way while I am drawing with their many moods…it can be found on a bunch of different products in my Redbubble store already so feel free to take a look.
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Sunday 28th February 2021
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well?
I was back at work today and have two more days in. I decided I was too tired after work to do much around the house so I just lay down for a while, I feel better for it too. My folks dropped off a portion of their Sunday dinner each for me and the other half which is great because not only was it delicious food but we didn’t have to cook tonight!
As promised, I have uploaded my new art to Redbubble for you, here is the second piece. I named her Pinky (since she is wearing so much pink) but she is also after my strong and beautiful friend (with her permission).
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Friday 26th February 2021
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well, we are doing alright at this end.
The other half and I have been off today, he has spent most of the day on his games as I have needed to get some rest again these last couple of days. I did take him to get his bloods done yesterday though as he isn’t fond of going by himself when it comes to needles.
I managed to finish the drawing I told you about the other day, as well as a second one, both of which will be uploaded to my Redbubble page in the next day or two so keep an eye out for that! Here is the first for you…
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Wednesday 24th February 2021
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well?
The other half and I were both off today so we nipped out for a couple of groceries while he is around to help me carry them home. The other half spent most of the day on his games or resting because he wasn’t feeling too good so that gave me plenty of time to work on a new piece of art for you to see. I should be done with it by the time of my next blog but in the meantime I can show you one of the newest designs I have got up on my Redbubble page…a repeating pattern on daisies.
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Monday 22nd February 2021
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well?
Today is one year old!
I am super proud of myself and everyone who helped through the first year! We have all had a pretty difficult year with the lockdown, for me personally, my first lockdown happened just a few weeks after I opened up my website. I know I am not the only person who was effected by this, nor the only business effected, so well done to all those who have made it so far. They say the first year of a business is difficult for most, with the added pressures of lockdown I must agree it hasn’t always been smiles and rainbows…but we made it!
I say “we” because it isn’t just me…I must thank my family and friends who proof read any writing I do and who give constructive feedback about every bit of art I have ever uploaded for you, my patreons who have stuck with me through the pandemic, and of course to you…without you I would be writing to open space, without you I wouldn’t have sold any bespoke art, without you I wouldn’t have had the confidence to make my little world open to all, I wouldn’t have opened a Redbubble shop, I wouldn’t be preparing for markets (after the pandemic of course)…without you Sally Clegg Art would just be me and my little world!
So Happy Birthday Sally Clegg Art, let’s celebrate together with a slice of purple cake…my favourite colour! (Probably chocolate under the icing…again, my fave!)
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Saturday 20th February 2021
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well?
The other half and I have had a couple of days off together and some much needed rest! I also started going back to physio again this week…hence my absence last night.
I decided to binge watch the Hunger Games the last couple of days, so when I was done with them, I decided to binge listen to the audiobooks. I loved reading them the first time round but since I have access to the audiobooks this time I can make the most of hands free reading to do some art at the same time! I am back in work again tomorrow for 3 days but I have uploaded another picture on Redbubble for you!
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Wednesday 17th February 2021
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well, we are doing alright at this end.
The other half and I had a day off together today so we celebrated Valentine’s Day and Pancake day (yes he still had pancakes yesterday!). We went off to feed the birds in the park so that I could get some fresh air as I am still feeling really unwell. We have 3 covid tests per week at work now so I’m not worried about that but the doctor seems confused. I have had an ear infection for 10 weeks and (despite the fact that I typically react very badly to antibiotics) they have given me two courses and I am still in pain. Everyone else is walking around with sunglasses on and I am wearing ear muffs. So now they want to tackle it with sinusitis spray instead as the pain is over half my face, my throat and my upper chest. Wish me luck.
Last time I showed you my little Brachiosaurus family…well the other half like it so much that he asked me to do a close up of one so he can have a t-shirt from Redbubble. He named him Burney!
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Monday 15th February 2021
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well? Happy Valentine’s day for yesterday.
I took the day off my blog yesterday as I wanted to spend the evening with the other half. We had take out and a lot of Naruto after work! Tomorrow is pancake day/Shrove Tuesday, the other half really likes pancakes but traditionally he will refuse to eat them unless it is pancake day, so I am pretty sure you can guess what we will be doing tomorrow.
I wanted to show you another of the Redbubble designs that I created last week, I told you it would be in a future blog so here it is. The other half loves dinosaurs, with the Brachiosaurus being his favourite, so he has decided to order this from Redbubble as a canvas print for his man cave.
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Friday 12th February 2021
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well, we are doing alright at this end.
The other half and I have had a few days off together so we have mostly been relaxing…watching Naruto, House and Dead Pixels. He has also been playing his games while I have been doing some painting.
I was going to show you another of the designs I have put up on Redbubble, but I will show you next time…you can see it before it goes on my blog by checking out my Redbubble page. Today however, I want to show you the painting I did today…well technically I started it last night.
If you don’t know me, then you may not yet know that I am fully obsessed with Harry Potter and have been for…what…20 years?..when I first saw the first film. I wasn’t a big reader before I started reading the Harry Potter books, so I hadn’t heard of it until I went on a school trip to watch the first film in the cinema. Anyway, I decided to try and develop my skills with acrylic paint…and what better way is there to test my painting patience than drawing something I would like to hang in my art space!
It is far from perfect…and it looks better from a distance…and if I were you I would definitely anticipate an inevitable digital redo in the distant future…but I am pleased that I got myself through the (very) ugly stage and finished with something I am quite proud to display near my desk.
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Wednesday 10th February 2021
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well?
Apologies for the absence yesterday, I have been feeling worse and worse every day so decided to just get some much needed rest after work. Today I went for my hospital appointment so I will have some more answers about my health within the next week or so hopefully! I am going to be back online in a couple of days, hopefully after some rest and with some new art for you…
I have put another piece of art on my Redbubble page for you but I haven’t shown you one that I put up a while back…it is a simple kitty face which I love on the face masks they have.
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Sunday 7th February 2021
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well?
The other half has had a couple of days off work and I have gone back in to work today for three days. I got barely any sleep last night and have felt so unwell since I woke up this morning…worse than I have done all week (don’t worry, our weekly covid results are still coming in negative). I have done a couple more bits of art for my Redbubble page as well as some doodling in my art journal but I have still not started on the art I have been looking forward to doing. I am hoping that I can start to feel better soon so I can crack on. In the meantime, here is a repeating pattern of bows which is now live on my Redbubble shop…
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Friday 5th February 2021
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well?
I have spent the last few days doing mostly doodling rather than finished pieces of art, as I have just needed to rest a lot more than normal this week. I say doodling…but really I been sketching some of the ideas I have while they are still in my head, I can turn these into finished pieces at a later date!
I did however redo my “Worker Bee” art from the beginning of lockdown…this time digitally, I put him on my Redbubble page as well. Let me know if you would like to see any of my other pieces on Redbubble too.
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Wednesday 3rd February 2021
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well, we are doing alright at this end.
The other half and I have had the day off work today but I had to go to another hospital appointment so I haven’t done a lot of art…I did get some much needed rest though!
Tomorrow I plan on cracking on with some ideas I have for new art…but in the meantime I have posted a purple flower to my Redbubble page for you –
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Monday 1st February 2021
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well, we are doing alright at this end.
The other half and I have been in work today, I am in work again tomorrow then I am getting my four days off so I can get back on to some artwork. It will be nice to get back in to a routine.
I got a message a couple of days ago to show me the quality of one of my new Redbubble products! The customer bought the Nita design on a phone case and when it arrived they were so happy with the quality that they got in touch with me to let me know how good it looked. I wanted to share the photo with you here…check out my social media for the video that was sent! Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Saturday 30th January 2021
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well?
As I mentioned the other day I am in work over this weekend and the beginning of the week but I did have yesterday to upload another design to Redbubble so I am quickly popping on to show you it tonight…
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Thursday 28th January 2021
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well?
The other half and I have been working the last couple of days. The plan was for me to do some art then go to work later in the week but I swapped one of my shifts around as I am changing my normal working days as of next week. The new working days are just as suitable as my old routine, once I get used to it I can get in to a new routine! Tomorrow will be my new art day anyway so I think I will focus on getting some more Redbubble designs uploaded for you…here is one that I uploaded the other day!
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Tuesday 26th January 2021
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well, we are doing alright at this end.
The other half has been working today and I had to go to yet another appointment for yet another new diagnosis. I wasn’t best pleased with the appointment so we will just leave it at that. I have been adding new designs to my Redbubble for you as promised and I have already started to make sales which is more than I expected at this stage…so thank you!!!
I wanted to show you the gift I made for my brother using my Ohuhu markers, it was his birthday yesterday and he loved this gift. He loves all things DC, which you have probably guessed by now with all the Batman fan art I have shown you so far. DC apparently stands for Detective Comics – you learn something every day…or at least I do. So I changed it up a bit to be Detective Cats, and drew three of the Batman villains that I can actually name off the top of my head haha! Can you tell who they are?
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Sunday 24th January 2021
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well?
The other half and I have both been at work today but when we got home the folks popped by to shimmy some roast dinner up the balcony for us. We very much enjoyed not having to cook and yet having a good hearty meal after a long day at work!
I have returned today as promised to show you the second of my new designs for Redbubble, last time I showed you Pokey the Cactus…this time I would like to introduce Nita the Mushroom, named after the Amanita mushrooms.
I have got a few more designs in the works, one is ready to go up tomorrow and another could be up before the next blog too…so check out my Redbubble page regularly to see what new designs I have put up for you!
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Friday 22nd January 2021
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well? We are doing alright this end.
The other half and I have had a couple of days off work together so I have had a lot of Naruto catch up and I never want to stop binge watching it! While the other half has been playing his games though, I have been watching some Disney movies from when I was younger as they are a great background noise for my drawing sessions.
I have decided to expand my art and make more products available to you! So I have opened up a Redbubble page (the link is also on the shop page of my website), so far I have uploaded two designs and I plan to upload more in due course so check my page out for a variety of products! Here is one of the designs that has been uploaded…Pokey the Cactus.
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Wednesday 20th January 2021
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well? We are doing alright at this end.
The rain has been constant today and the snow has just started this evening thick and fast, so far we have about half an inch of snow and it just keeps falling.
The other day I showed you the line art for Hunter the fox…I have finished the colouring now and I love the way he has turned out…
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Monday 18th January 2021
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well?
The other half and I have got our weekly negative results as usual…we have both been working for the last few days so we are both quite tired. Fortunately we have the day off together tomorrow so we can get a few bits sorted around the house and just rest in front of the TV. I am sure the other half will be playing his games too and I know I will be finishing the art I have started.
The cats have been very good and sat on the settee snuggling while I have been drawing…but one of them has a 6th sense about my blog. The second I open my website to start blogging she comes over and steps on the keyboard and clicks the mouse and knocks things off my desk…I think she wants to say hello to you!
Anyway, here is the line art for a new piece of art I have been working on. I have started the colouring already but I will show you that next time. This was inspired by a beautiful pair of foxes that came to visit us in the garden at work a couple of weeks ago, they looked fairly well fed as well which is great. We managed to get a really lovely photo of one of the foxes looking right at us with his head tilted to one side so I decided to draw a cartoon version of him. A friend of mine hasn’t been feeling so well recently so I thought I would cheer her up a bit by letting her name my little foxy baby – meet Hunter!
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Saturday 16th January 2021
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well, we are doing alright at this end.
The other half and I have both been at work and I will be doing some overtime tomorrow to help a little. Next week I have changed my shifts around a bit but I should be back to normal the following week.
Yesterday was my Mum’s birthday and of course I am unable to see her at the moment, so after I finished work Mum popped by and I shimmied her gift down the balcony for her. I used a board canvas and stuck four mini canvases to it. Mum likes flowers, so I painted this for her using acrylic paints.
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Thursday 14th January 2021
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well?
The other half has got his x-ray results back and thankfully there doesn’t appear to be any damage to his spine, he just has to take it easy for a bit to give the muscles time to heal. I have been in work today and will be for the next couple of days.
Today I want to show you a gift I made for my Mum for Christmas. I got this printed on to a cushion…me, my brother, and her two kitties.
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Tuesday 12th January 2021
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well?
The other half has been at work so I have spent the last couple of days working on some new bits of art for an upcoming project, I will show you in due course.
Today however, I am popping on to show you the art I did for my Step-Dad for his Christmas gift…this is part of the art anyway. I had this printed on to a magic mug, the mug starts black and then when hot liquid has been added, cartoon him appears!
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Sunday 10th January 2021
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well?
The other half and I have both had our first covid vaccines as key workers, he seems to have reacted a bit worse than me for this jab but we are both healthy. He is still waiting for his x-ray results too…no news yet.
I worked today as an extra shift to help a colleague out so I didn’t do any new artwork, but I want to show you the last of the four coasters I made for my brother for Christmas. This one is another of his favourite things – RoboCop…I remember him watching this when I was quite young.
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Friday 8th January 2021
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well?
I have been at work for the last two days and I am in again tomorrow, it is nice to get back to a routine that I know as I get a lot more art and resting done this way. I have finished another piece of art that I cannot show you until next week and I am happy with the way it turned out!
Today I will show you the third of the four coasters that I made for my brother this Christmas. He likes to play his games and one I know he likes is Assassin’s Creed, I decided to give it a dark blue theme so the coasters sort of matched…two bright, two dark…
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Wednesday 6th January 2021
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well?
Apologies for the absence yesterday, the other half was having his back x-ray after his fall on the ice last week – results awaiting…and I was generally quite tired afterwards so I decided to blog today instead.
I have been working on some new pieces of art over the last few days but I can’t yet show you these, instead I will show you another of the coasters I made for my brother for Christmas. This is from another of his favourite things to watch – Star Wars…
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Sunday 3rd January 2021
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well? We are doing alright this end.
I have been in work over the weekend but I now have 3 days off then I will be back to my normal working schedule.
I have come back today with another Christmas gift I made, this time for my brother. His gift comes in 4 parts as I had them printed as coasters for his new home…so I drew 4 different pieces of fan art. One of his favourite characters is Batman, so that was an easy first choice.
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Friday 1st January 2021
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well and enjoyed welcoming 2021 in last night? The other half and I had a lovely quiet night watching TV and enjoying Indian food…at midnight we went outside and watched the fireworks that the neighbours were setting off…it was wonderful! I am back in work tomorrow and have been exhausted today so I have spent the day resting up
I want to show you another piece of Christmas gift art I did as promised, this one is for the other half and he loves it! I’m not a big drinker anyway but because of the tablets I am on for all the diagnosis I got last year…well I just stick to the soft drinks. The other half however does enjoy a pint on occasion…such as when we celebrated New Year’s Eve last night.
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Thursday 31st December 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well and keeping safe?
My area has had a lot of snow…which has turned to ice…which has been snowed on…etc. So the area is quite unsafe for walking around. We have also been put into stricter lockdown measures, though I think many other places have too.
I wanted to pop in this evening and say thank you for all your support this year and I hope you have a wonderful New Year’s Eve under the circumstances. Happy new year! I will be back with you in 2021 where hopefully my schedule will be a bit more normal.
Here is a doodle I did while practicing with some new art stuff I got for Christmas. In this doodle I used a new calligraphy pen, new coloured metallic pencils and new coloured fine liners.
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Tuesday 29th December 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well and I hope you had a wonderful Christmas if you celebrate it.
The last few weeks has been difficult as you know, but I am hoping to get back in to normal routine after the new year. After my weekend shifts this week I will be back to my normal shifts at work and back to having set time for blogging and doing art for you to see, which will be good for us all!
Now that Christmas has been and gone I can also start showing you some of the art I made for gifts. Not everything is suitable to put on the blog, for example if it has has inside jokes or is personal to a particular person…but what you can see will be posted here over the next few blogs. Something to look forward to!
Today I will show you my home made Christmas card. It is an example of a simple 2D digital art piece…I didn’t want to put a lot of detail into it with it being a Christmas card as most people don’t seem to hoard things quite like I do haha…here it is.
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Friday 25th December 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well?
Today I have been in work, as has the other half. I am posting a little early as I wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas before I take advantage of this one day bubble thing and go to see my Mum. Unfortunately the other half is working late but I saw a little of him this morning and will see him again tonight. We will celebrate our Christmas day together with the animals tomorrow on Boxing day!
If you celebrate Christmas, then I hope you have a special day despite the current situation.
The funeral went as well as could be expected on Wednesday and it was a lovely send off for my Grandad, so I wanted to show you another of the little illustrations I did for his service sheet.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Monday 21st December 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well?
I have been plodding on and have finally managed to get back on track after taking a bit of time off. I have completed all my Christmas gifts and I am just waiting for the last one to arrive tomorrow. The other half has been doing a great job of keeping me on track while I have needed a bit of extra encouragement to go about my day, I am so thankful to have him in times like these!
I have spent most of the day today at the hospital for yet another investigative appointment and have come out with yet another diagnosis. I missed most of the daylight…today is the shortest day of the year, the winter solstice, the first day of winter. The days will start to get a bit longer from hence forth.
To celebrate the day, I am releasing my “Winter 2020” art for sale! This piece was inspired by all the little robins I see in the care home garden. I rarely see robins these days, but I see a small number in the garden at the care home I work at every winter.
You could own a “Winter 2020” of your own!
Get in touch with me for your “Winter 2020” print at
This is a 6×8″ (15x20cm) print for £10 including 1st class p&p.
Haven’t got your “Spring 2020”, “Summer 2020”, or “Autumn 2020” print yet? Not a problem, if you would like to buy the set just let me know in your email and I will get them sent out to you!
Thank you for your support…stay safe, see you soon!
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Friday 18th December 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well?
Back to work again yesterday after a few days off…which I think I needed. My brain is a little less foggy as I have started to sleep a bit more now. I have also got back to drawing…Christmas won’t wait for me! I have finished another Christmas gift, as well as a secret Santa gift…two other gifts have arrived (I sent off for my art to be printed on products to change things up a bit), I need to send two more off for same day collection this weekend and only one is finished…so I must crack on with the last one. I have also ended up with about 60 of the origami flowers I showed you a few days ago, as well as creating the funeral service book ready for the 23rd December…so I have been using my time well.
Here I can show you a snippet of the service book…our lost loved one liked the dog racing so I have done some illustrations to personalise the booklet. This is the little bunny the dogs chaise…it is a nice basic illustration so it can fit nice and small on the booklet.
Thank you for being patient with me during this difficult time. You still have all the Christmas art to look forward to in the new year. Stay safe, see you soon!
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Monday 14th December 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well?
I would like to apologise for vanishing for a week. As I mentioned in my previous blog I have personal reasons for the absence.
On Tuesday night last week I had the phone call that nobody wants, the one that informed me of the loss of a loved one. With lockdown restrictions we couldn’t see each other for almost 10 months but I regularly sent my love, the love of the other half…and far too many pictures of the cats (who I adopted from them). I know they were well looked after by a wonderful family member and by the staff at the hospice where they spent their last couple of weeks.
I am forever in their debt.
I pushed the pause button on some of my art however I do have something that I can show you. I am making some origami flowers for the funeral…I made an extra one out of scrap booking paper for you to see.
My blogs may be sporadic for a while but I will always come back so please check in on me regularly.
Stay safe, see you soon…and thanks for understanding!
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Wednesday 9th December 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well?
I am just popping in today to let you know that I am taking a short break from my blogs. This is due to personal reasons but I will be back as soon as possible. Please do not hesitate to contact me with your queries while I am away.
Thank you for understanding.
Monday 7th December 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well, we are doing alright this end.
It has been a rough couple of days and I haven’t gotten much rest…but I did finish the Marvel fan art for my brother. I decided on flat colour, as once it is scanned and reduced in size the details won’t be as noticeable…instead opting for a bit of a textured background in the larger spaces. I sent him a quick picture and he loves it!
Check out my shop page for information on all available prints or email me for your own bespoke piece of art at
You can also check out my Redbubble page for a variety of different products featuring my art!
Check out my testimonial page to read some of my client reviews and my gallery pages to see some work I have done in the past.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Stay safe, see you soon!
Saturday 5th December 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well?
I have had my last of 3 days in work today and I now have 4 days off, which I will hopefully use to focus on some new art to wind down a bit. Yesterday was a bit of a tough day for the other half so he has enjoyed having today to himself while I worked so he can play his games.
Here is the last of the colouring pages that I donated to the care home I work at to help make Christmas special for our residents! They have now been sent over to the home, I hope the residents really enjoy colouring them in and I hope you have enjoyed seeing the process.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Due to lockdown restrictions, my commissions will be limited to digital art only for the time being. Finished art will be sent via email as a JPEG and a printed copy can be sent at a later date when restrictions ease.
Thank you for understanding!
I am aware that lockdown has now ended, however as I mentioned I have been in work so I will look into changing my commission options soon.
Thursday 3rd December 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well, we are doing alright this end.
The other half and I have been watching Christmas films and managed to get the decorations up last night! The cats are loving their advent calendars, of course they don’t want the treat I have given them though, they want the other treats from behind the other doors…cats ey?
I have been in work today and I am in work for the next couple of days too. I have got the third colouring page for you to see digitally though don’t worry…
Stay safe, see you soon!
Due to lockdown restrictions, my commissions will be limited to digital art only for the time being. Finished art will be sent via email as a JPEG and a printed copy can be sent at a later date when restrictions ease.
Thank you for understanding!
I am aware that lockdown has now ended, however as I mentioned I have been in work so I will look into changing my commission options soon.
Tuesday 1st December 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well?
The other half has been at work for the last couple of days while I have got my rest…interrupted by a GP check up, nothing new. The cats seem to be a little on the wild side today, chasing each other and knocking all my stuff on the floor.
The other half and I both have the day off on Wednesday so the Christmas decorations will be going up then! Tonight when he gets home we will watch a Christmas film to get us into the Christmas spirit…he is trying to get me all cheered up about Christmas, since everything is up in the air about the season. I have also got some advent calendars for me, the other half and the kitties…I don’t think they do any for the fishies or gecko…at least not in my local.
While I wait for him I will do some Christmas gift wrapping and finish another piece of Christmas gift art! …and while you wait to see these gifts, here is the second colouring page done digitally.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Due to lockdown restrictions, my commissions will be limited to digital art only for the time being. Finished art will be sent via email as a JPEG and a printed copy can be sent at a later date when restrictions ease.
Thank you for understanding!
Sunday 29th November 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well, we are doing alright this end.
The other half is enjoying his new game still so I have plenty of time to do my artwork. The past 4 blogs I have shown you some Christmas colouring pages that I am creating for the care home I work at. I have now begun transferring these to digital art so they can be printed at a suitable size for our residents. So here is the first colouring page I showed you but now created digitally.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Due to lockdown restrictions, my commissions will be limited to digital art only for the time being. Finished art will be sent via email as a JPEG and a printed copy can be sent at a later date when restrictions ease.
Thank you for understanding!
Friday 27th November 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well, we are doing alright at this end.
The other half is enjoying playing his newly released game, while I have been at work today and yesterday. I am still not feeling very well at all but I am plodding on until I can have my 4 days rest again.
I have created another colouring page for the donations I previously discussed for the care home I work at. I wanted to do another simplistic one so that I can make thick lines when I transfer them into digital art, this will be an easier colouring page for those who may have some visual difficulties…
Stay safe, see you soon!
Due to lockdown restrictions, my commissions will be limited to digital art only for the time being. Finished art will be sent via email as a JPEG and a printed copy can be sent at a later date when restrictions ease.
Thank you for understanding!
Wednesday 25th November 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well?
The other half has finished his first aid training today towards his Clinical Practitioner role…nearly there. I have been feeling really off for the last couple of days so I have spent most of my time in bed. I am back to work tomorrow so hopefully I wake up feeling a little better in the morning.
I have returned today with another Christmas colouring page for the care home donation.
See you soon, stay safe!
Due to lockdown restrictions, my commissions will be limited to digital art only for the time being. Finished art will be sent via email as a JPEG and a printed copy can be sent at a later date when restrictions ease.
Thank you for understanding!
Monday 23rd November 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well?
The other half and I are doing well, he is getting ready for his new game release tonight. Apparently it is very necessary to “queue” online for 2 hours before the 11pm release and apparently it is perfectly acceptable to binge play it for the next week…so…ye…I will just leave him to that while I finish off some of my Christmas gift art, as long as he is enjoying it!
The cats are currently trying to “help” me with my work…I have one sitting almost on my keyboard and headbutting my hands so I make mistakes while the other is sitting under my chair so I can’t wheel about. Despite this I have managed to get another colouring page done for the care home Christmas colouring page donation I mentioned the other day…I took the photo on the most recent phone replacement I got, 3rd time’s the charm we hope. The last two were sent to me broken so I decided on a different make and model at the same price point…wish me luck.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Due to lockdown restrictions, my commissions will be limited to digital art only for the time being. Finished art will be sent via email as a JPEG and a printed copy can be sent at a later date when restrictions ease.
Thank you for understanding!
Saturday 21st November 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well, we are doing alright at this end.
I know I said I may be delayed coming back to you but things have settled for now..hopefully it stays this way. Anyway, I have returned today with some art for you to see.
As you know, my partner and I work in a care home together. Our residents have been following the same lockdown rules as the rest of the UK so we wanted to do a little something special for them this Christmas. My colleagues are trying to make Christmas as special as they can under the current circumstances for our residents…I considered how I could contribute to this…
It was decided with the other half that I will donate some Sally Clegg Art products to the home for Christmas. So I have set out on a project to make some Christmas Colouring Pages for our residents to colour in, write a letter to their loved ones and get them posted out for Christmas day!
Here is the first idea…
I will be working on some more in the coming days and will most likely be completing them digitally in order to get them sent off for printing…meaning there are plenty since we have a big care home.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Due to lockdown restrictions, my commissions will be limited to digital art only for the time being. Finished art will be sent via email as a JPEG and a printed copy can be sent at a later date when restrictions ease.
Thank you for understanding!
Thursday 19th November 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well, we are doing alright at this end.
Today the other half and I have both been in work so there isn’t much to report. I haven’t any art for you tonight either because I am having one of those days. You know the ones…glass jumps off the side and smashes on your leg…hot mash lands on the floor narrowly missing your feet…you know…the normal things when you are tired.
Anyway, I will be back in a couple of days…I will try to stick to my usual schedule but I have a couple of things happening so I may be delayed.
See you soon, stay safe!
Due to lockdown restrictions, my commissions will be limited to digital art only for the time being. Finished art will be sent via email as a JPEG and a printed copy can be sent at a later date when restrictions ease.
Thank you for understanding!
Tuesday 17th November 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well?
The other half and I have been enjoying our day off today with some more Naruto Shippuden…we are now on episode 279. I won’t say what’s happening in case you haven’t seen it but I am loving it right now…lots of feels too!
I coloured the Naruto line art I showed you the other day as well as doing some Christmas Gift art again which of course you can’t see as of yet…so here is the coloured Naruto…
Stay safe, see you soon!
Due to lockdown restrictions, my commissions will be limited to digital art only for the time being. Finished art will be sent via email as a JPEG and a printed copy can be sent at a later date when restrictions ease.
Thank you for understanding!
Sunday 15th November 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well, we are doing alright at this end..both of us have negative weekly covid results again.
I am now feeling some flu jab related symptoms and therefore feel a little sorry for myself! I have the next few days off work so I have a good chance to rest.
Today I had a video call with my family to celebrate my Uncle’s birthday…other than that I have mostly been doing some Christmas art, should be done shortly. I keep distracting myself with things, like the TV…we are back on to Naruto now. The other half doesn’t like the filler episodes so we end up watching just one or two at a time. Now we are back on the Shippuden story line so we are binging again.
Predictably, I had to draw some new Naruto art while watching it as it has been a while. I have here some line art which I will finish at a later date.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Due to lockdown restrictions, my commissions will be limited to digital art only for the time being. Finished art will be sent via email as a JPEG and a printed copy can be sent at a later date when restrictions ease.
Thank you for understanding!
Friday 13th November 2020
…unlucky for some?
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well, we are doing alright this end.
I seem to get sick fairly frequently…because I am unwell in general, when I get a simple cold I usually get knocked off my feet for a while longer than I should and suffer quite badly. So each year I decide to get the flu jab…and it seems to reduce the number of times I get cold and flu like viruses, so this year I tried to go to the pharmacy to get a flu jab again. Apparently, there is some sort of shortage this year and it has been difficult to get an appointment for lots of people, not just me…but luckily a pharmacy offered to provide jabs at my workplace.
So yesterday I had my jab at work…and naturally today my arm is red and swollen, so far I haven’t gotten any of other side effects that I normally do…fingers crossed. The other half doesn’t have his flu jab as his immune system is pretty good and he rarely gets sick…plus he isn’t mad fond of needles…despite doing his nurse training.
Anyway, here is my little flu jab doodle…the doodle itself is bigger than the jab!
Stay safe, see you soon!
Due to lockdown restrictions, my commissions will be limited to digital art only for the time being. Finished art will be sent via email as a JPEG and a printed copy can be sent at a later date when restrictions ease.
Thank you for understanding!
Wednesday 11th November 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well, we are doing alright this end.
I am back in work tomorrow while the other half will have a couple of days off to rest. The new lockdown rules are supposed to be in place for a while but when I went out to get my medicine earlier everywhere was very busy…like any non-lockdown day. I have been getting through a lot of paperwork over the last few days…thankfully I have help with it…so no new big drawings from me again as I have spent my art time on Christmas prep again.
Sunday gone was Remembrance Sunday and today is Remembrance day…so I decided today I would do a small painting doodle for the occasion, which I gave to my Mum afterwards because she is sort of collecting all my mini-plant art pieces as she loves plants.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Due to lockdown restrictions, my commissions will be limited to digital art only for the time being. Finished art will be sent via email as a JPEG and a printed copy can be sent at a later date when restrictions ease.
Thank you for understanding!
Monday 9th November 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well?
The other half has gone back to work today and has come home feeling pretty tired! I have been off today sorting out some paperwork so that has taken up most of my day.
I have started some fan art for my brother…originally it was supposed to be a bookmark, but I got so excited doing my sketches that when it came to the transferring stage…well…they just wouldn’t fit onto a bookmark size bit of paper. Anyway, I have shown him the basic line art and the new plan is to finish the work I have started so I can get as much detail as I can while it is this size (about a 5×7 sized piece of art but slightly different ratios…to suit a bookmark ratio). Then I will scan it and have it printed to a more reasonably sized bookmark which I can laminate…then frame this one for his new house. Win, win!
Did I mention he is a Marvel fan?! He wanted the comic style for his Marvel fan art.
Stay safe, see you soon.
Due to lockdown restrictions, my commissions will be limited to digital art only for the time being. Finished art will be sent via email as a JPEG and a printed copy can be sent at a later date when restrictions ease.
Thank you for understanding!
Saturday 7th November 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well, we are doing good at this end.
The other half and I are still enjoying our anniversary annual leave, spending most of the time either watching TV or doing our own thing (me with my art and him with his games). I have a few more days due to the rota that I work but the other half will be back on Monday. The kitties don’t seem to be doing too badly with the fireworks, they look towards the noise and flinch a little but when they see that I am relaxed they calm down and get some rest or carry on playing with their favourite watermelon toy! We are hoping that the fireworks stop after the weekend is over as they seem to be dragging on a bit now.
I have been working on some more Christmas prep so I haven’t spent a lot of time on any art that you can see until the end of December. I have done a little doodle for you to see though…I had no inspiration…literally nothing was coming to mind apart from how cold I was and how the cold is making my pain worse. Then for some reason I chose to draw a cute little teddy bear all wrapped up in his warm little hat and scarf.
See you soon, stay safe! …and stay warm.
Due to lockdown restrictions, my commissions will be limited to digital art only for the time being. Finished art will be sent via email as a JPEG and a printed copy can be sent at a later date when restrictions ease.
Thank you for understanding!
Thursday 5th November 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well, we are doing alright this end.
Happy Bonfire Night to all who celebrate…and Happy Anniversary to my other half!
Since the new lockdown came in to place today we just had a quiet day in (after the other half finished his training of course). So yesterday we celebrated properly and took ourselves off for breakfast and mini-golfing at the local dinosaur crazy gold as planned, the other half very helpfully getting my gold ball from each hole as my back pain wasn’t letting me reach the floor easily. We had a really nice day together.
Unfortunately, we ended up ditching the evening meal as the restaurant kept us waiting for more than hour after our booked time. This would have been alright but they sat us on uncomfortable bar stools which were making my pain worse and they seated at least 5 other tables before us (people who had not been sat waiting for over an hour but had shown up at the door and sat straight down). Anyway, in the end we came home and ordered some Chinese food and sat down to watch some House episodes (which I am currently addicted to), so the evening was saved.
We haven’t exchanged gifts as we wanted to use the money to have a day out instead, so I made a quick crazy golf dino doodle for the other half to commemorate our day out yesterday, which he loves!
See you soon, stay safe!
Due to lockdown restrictions, my commissions will be limited to digital art only for the time being. Finished art will be sent via email as a JPEG and a printed copy can be sent at a later date when restrictions ease.
Thank you for understanding!
Tuesday 3rd November 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well, we are doing alright this end.
The other half and I will be celebrating our 11th anniversary on Thursday, however we are now on Plan D with the lockdowns and tiers coming in. So we are going to celebrate tomorrow with some breakfast, a bit of mini-golfing and some dinner. We will see what we can do in addition to this but there is no point trying to celebrate on Thursday as the new lockdown comes in.
Due to the new lockdown rules, I will be changing my commission to digital art only for a short period of time. I will be providing art via email, prints can be posted out at a later date when lockdown restrictions do not effect my print services. This will begin on Thursday and I will keep you posted as to when I change this back.
Since I have been doing a lot of Christmas prep and art, I have taken today off to get some rest. While I was getting my rest, I decided to do some colouring…this time part of a page of a colouring book.
This is a page from a colouring book called “Art Therapy: The Geometric Colouring Book” which is copyrighted to ©FPL Group Limited 2015 and is not my own line art, I do not own the line art/design, I just coloured in some of the page using some colourful gel pens which helps to relax me.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Due to lockdown restrictions, my commissions will be limited to digital art only for the time being. Finished art will be sent via email as a JPEG and a printed copy can be sent at a later date when restrictions ease.
Thank you for understanding!
Sunday 1st November 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are we well, we are doing alright this end.
I hope you had a good Halloween yesterday! Mine was quiet because the celebrating was done at work on Friday.
Turns out we will be going from local Tier 3 lockdown to a national full lockdown soon…I will keep you posted but this may mean that I go back in to doing digital art only as I may have limited or no access to my print shop and post office. I will let you know as soon as I know…digital art will be sent via email as a JPEG which means there is no delay receiving it.
On Friday, it was my Step-Dad’s birthday and I made him a wine label for his home brew kit that my Mum and Brother bought for him. There are some inside jokes on the wine label so I have removed these as well as censoring his name out. Here it is…
The cats are my Mum’s cats!
Stay safe, see you soon!
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Friday 30th October 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well, we are doing good this end.
I have been struggling a lot with my pain the last couple of days but I have only one more day in work then I can get a bit or rest so that will hopefully help…we think the colder weather is making my pain feel a bit worse. The other half has had today off and had some time to himself to play his games and get some rest too.
Today it is my Step-Dad’s birthday…I won’t tell you how old he is…so we sent over some gifts of beer and a Home Bargains truck! I also sent over a piece of art for him…I will show you this next time though because today I am going to show you the second thing I gave my friend for her birthday as promised.
She likes the Studio Ghibli film Howl’s Moving Castle, so I made her a key ring with Calcifer (one of the characters) on one side and a movie quote on the other…
I will be back in a couple of days to show you what I made for my Step-Dad!
Happy Halloween for tomorrow…Stay safe, see you soon!
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Wednesday 28th October 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well, we are doing alright this end.
I was supposed to come back last night with another blog for you but decided to skip a day as I did Monday’s blog on Sunday, pushing my schedule forwards a day which will mess me up when I go back to work tomorrow.
Anyway, here I am! I have returned today with one of the gifts that I have made recently…I have a couple of occasions to make for at this time of year. As I am unable to see my friends and family, I am posting gifts rather than giving them in person meaning I am making smaller pieces of art or digital art…a friend of mine had a birthday a few days ago and received her gifts in the post yesterday so I can show you these ones now. There are two small gifts, one of which I will show you today…this is a bookmark that I made for her as she is a Doctor Who fan!
This is the front of the bookmark, the back is the same but without the telephone box sign. I laminated it and used green ribbon for the tassel. I will be back in a couple of days to show you the other gift I made for her.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Sunday 25th October 2020
Hi, welcome back!
As promised, I have returned with the art doodle in tribute to my lost fishy…I have put some diamonds on for bubbles and added his name to the top. We got him almost 4 years ago as a little black moor, over time he grew and changed to a vibrant orange colour…he was beautiful!
Stay safe, see you soon!
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Saturday 24th October 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well, we are doing alright at this end.
The other half and I have both gotten our negative weekly covid results, however we have been placed into tier 3 in the area meaning I can no longer see my bubble face to face until lock down rules change again.
Yesterday, the other half found another one of my babies had gone swimming to fishy heaven…obviously I was devastated and didn’t do the art that I had planned to do last night, I went to bed, didn’t sleep well, then got called requesting to start work earlier this morning. So tonight I have just rested and tried to relax. I love all my animals no matter their size or ability to snuggle me. The other half and the cats have all given me some healing snuggles but I have not drawn today. I will return tomorrow with a tribute to my lost fishy.
Until then…stay safe, see you soon.
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Thursday 22nd October 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are alright? We are good at this end.
My pain clinic referral letter has come through the post…I have a very long questionnaire to complete. Luckily the other half helped me with this and we have it all finished now and will be posting it tomorrow.
I spent most of yesterday doing some gift art which, as you know, means I don’t have any big or colourful art for you to look at…also I may have accidentally fallen asleep after work today…oops. I do however have this doodle…ok I would have liked it to be more symmetrical but I wasn’t aiming for perfection, it was just me doodling with no clear end image in mind.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Tuesday 20th October 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well, we are doing alright this end.
In the area that I live in, there has been a lot of news about whether we will be put into to tier 3 lockdown or not…it seems that in the next few days this could happen. If this is the case then I think it restricts our bubbles from visiting each other or something…so I will have to check what the update is before I see my bubble again next weekend. Of course, I can’t work from home as I work in a care home, so that won’t be effected.
Anyway, one of the specialists I spoke to recently about my newest diagnosis suggested to me that I try to return to things like Tai Chi or Yoga to help with my chronic pain. So today my other half took me on his gym membership (you are allowed a plus one 4 times a month) to try the beginners yoga as I have done something similar in the past.
It was a bit daunting but not to worry…my two cats gave me a few tips before I went…
Stay safe, see you soon!
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Sunday 18th October 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well, we are doing alright this end.
Yesterday I was in work but today I have had the day off. Since it was pay day the other day, I did the big shop to fill the freezer and cupboards…I can’t do the big shop myself so today my family drove me around to different shops, pushed the trolley, carried the bags to the car, loaded up the boot and even carried the bags upstairs to my flat door. The other half was working so he met me at home when he was finished. I am lucky to have people in my life who are willing to help me with things that I struggle with. It is a shame that I have to wear a mask with my own family but I am glad to have them as my little bubble.
I have been doing some more gift prep but today I have a little ink doodle I did of a kitty in a pumpkin because I am starting to feel Halloween-y!
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Stay safe, see you soon!
Friday 16th October 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well?
I have been in work for the last couple of days while the other half has been off. He popped to work yesterday to get his weekly covid test and his bike was stolen from right outside the care home front door! Of course it would be a brand new bike on the Cycle2Work scheme…meaning it is still being paid for. I managed to sprain my ankle again yesterday and my bike has broken today. Along with some personal and family stuff going on and my health making things a bit more difficult recently…
It hasn’t been easy the last few weeks but I have carried on and I have managed to get a decent amount of my art done which is great! As you know I have been doing a lot more gift art than normal so I haven’t anything to show you today because I got carried away and lost track of time, I will come back in a couple of days with something nice for you to see.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Wednesday 14th October 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well, we are doing well this end.
We have another negative covid test each and we are due another swab tomorrow. We also sent off our antibody tests today so we will get a result for them within the week hopefully.
The other half has been gaming a bit today and we changed the living room around yesterday to make the TV area more cosy and separated from my art area…we like how it is now! Otherwise, I haven’t been doing much over the last few days because I haven’t been feeling great again. I am back at work tomorrow though so hopefully I will feel better after a decent night sleep.
I have done a little doodle for you again today as I can’t show you the art I have done. I did some Christmas sketches to design my Christmas card…this year I will do the art digitally and get it printed, so I am looking forward to how that will turn out! Here is the non-Christmas art for you to see.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Monday 12th October 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well? We are ok this end!
The other half is in work today so I have been getting on with some art, we spent a bit of time together yesterday though which is good.
I have started to make some art gifts for upcoming birthdays and of course Christmas…I like to be prepared rather than rushing everything last minute. I also have to consider what to make for the other half for our 11th anniversary on bonfire night…I am open to ideas haha!
Of course, until these gifts are given I can’t exactly post them here…for example today, I worked on some gifts so I can’t show you those. However, I also watched Nightmare Before Christmas so I did do a digital doodle of Sally (of course) which you can see…
On the plus side…there will probably be plenty of nice art to show you in January.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Saturday 10th October 2020
(10102020…sorry that excites me a bit!)
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well, we are doing alright this end.
The other half and I have both been working over the last few days so we are both looking forward to having some time off tomorrow to get some rest. The other half will probably spend most of his day gaming which he hasn’t had much time for this weekend, so I will get some art done while he does that.
Today is World Mental Health Day. I consider regularly discussing or publicising mental health to be a very important to help decrease the stigma and help people feel more comfortable talking about it. Everyone has mental health, whether it is good or not. I have always been open about the issues I face with my health both physical and mental, but not everyone feels able to be this open.
There are a lot of services that can help anyone who needs it…one website I have found useful is Mind, which has a variety of tools. As I have said…this is just one of many. There is yoga, talk therapies, mindfulness…all sorts.
I am always looking for tools to help my mental health and one thing I love to do as you know, is draw…Art Therapy is something that has helped a lot of people. I have had different forms of therapy but I have not tried formal Art Therapy yet. I find that simply doodling seems to help me transfer my concentration on to something else.
Doodles don’t have to be anything fancy, they don’t need to be good enough to go in a gallery…it is the process that helps, creating little things is good for me as it prevents me becoming overwhelmed in already stressful periods…like this.
If you feel you are struggling with your mental health please seek help. There is support out there for everyone, the current circumstances are making things more difficult so please do not stay silent!
Stay safe, see you soon!
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Thursday 8th October 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are ok, we are doing well this end.
The other half has been off work but he popped in for his weekly covid test, I was working so I just had mine on shift.
My medication has finally arrived today for the three issues I was diagnosed with in September…so let’s see how they sit with me. Also, yesterday I spoke on the phone to rheumatology in regards to a diagnosis my doctor wanted looking in to…I got that diagnosis…and two more. I am a bit overwhelmed as I was expecting just one, not three. Fortunately, when the doctor receives my diagnosis letter in a week or two, I will be able to start getting support more tailored to what I need. I will also be able to take the letter as evidence to work.
The other day I told you that I have been doing a small painting but that I wasn’t finished with it yet…well I have finished it now and I am pleased with it, although I do think that I am better at marker work…so I do want to work a bit more on painting. Anyway, here it is…
Stay safe, see you soon!
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Tuesday 6th October 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well, we are doing good this end.
The other half has been working today but he should be home shortly so we can have some dinner. I have spent my day trying to be productive. I have done some painting, which I hope to finish tomorrow so I can show you it when it is dry. I have also begun some art for Christmas and birthdays…that plus commissions has me busy enough.
You know me though…I managed to sneak a quick movie in there. This time I was watching the Corpse Bride and I drew the little butterfly from it…not sure what it is called but here it is.
See you soon, stay safe!
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Sunday 4th October 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well, we are doing alright this end.
The other half and I have both got our weekly negative covid results and have enjoyed today off together. I went out for a bit today, after a few difficult days at work I needed some fresh air…so I went to a park to enjoy some of the scenery.
I have needed a decent resting day after this weekend so I haven’t got any art for you today, just this quick update. I will be back asap with something nice for you to look at…feel free to message me if there is anything in particular you would like to see.
See you soon, stay safe!
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Friday 2nd October 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well, we are doing well this end.
The other half is enjoying his days off, he has had some study video calls but otherwise he seems to be enjoying just having some time on his games while I have been working. He is back at work tomorrow though so maybe he can have some time gaming on Sunday instead! I have one more day at work then I am off for a few days too. All I seem to do on my days in is work, eat, sleep, repeat. I haven’t set much time aside for my art the last couple of days, since working with this newest pain is causing me a bit more fatigue…but I have doodled a bit. Today I have doodled a little sleepy bear…I am taking name suggestions on social media!
See you soon, stay safe!
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Wednesday 30th September 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well, we are doing alright this end.
The other half has been working all week but is off tomorrow and is ready for a day of playing his games. I will be back in work tomorrow for the first time as my annual leave has finished now. I will be in for the next three days.
I have spoken with the doctor again and there isn’t too much that can be done at the minute, I am awaiting some investigations anyway so we hope I will get some answers soon. I have to try to deal with the additional symptoms in the meantime and hope that increasing one of my medications will work as I am intolerant the new one I was given.
I am looking forward to getting out of the house a little bit though…I have spent my time in the house alone watching way too many movies! I have drawn these three little cacti today so I thought I would show you them…I haven’t coloured them yet, I’m not sure if I want to as I quite like them in black and white…what do you think?
See you soon, stay safe!
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Monday 28th September 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well?
The other half has been in work the last couple of days and I have been feeling down on this pain, just resting with the kitties…
I managed to get out yesterday to visit Mrs Dowsons Farm in Blackburn, it was a lovely little run out and I had some amazing white chocolate ice cream to cheer me up!
My doctor isn’t working today, I know I can speak to any of the doctors but I prefer to keep seeing the same one if possible because she knows my long winded medical history. She is also the one who has gotten the ball rolling on getting things diagnosed, so I will be speaking with her tomorrow when she is back.
Stay tuned, I will be back soon with another update before my annual leave finishes…stay safe, see you soon!
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Saturday 26th September 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well.
Quick update: The doctor was able to diagnose me over the phone and says I have inflammation of the cartilage in my chest, near my stomach. I was given some tablets and this helped to take down the swelling and pain. This quickly returned when we found out I am somewhat intolerant to the new tablets. I have to stop taking them and wait it out until Monday when I can speak with my doctor again. The other half and I also got our weekly mandatory covid test results back and we are both still negative…so generally speaking we are well.
I obviously am still low on energy but I promised you some colour today and I wanted to do something to cheer myself up a bit. So here is a nice Harry Potter fan art keyring I did earlier today.
Stay safe, see you soon!
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Thursday 24th September 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well.
The other half and I are still on our annual leave so he has been enjoying having some extra gaming time the last couple of days. I have been feeling pretty poorly recently so I haven’t done a lot of drawing since my last blog. I have spent most of the last few days in bed, getting up only to go to the shops for supplies or to go for the mandatory weekly covid test.
I have got in touch with the doctor and I am awaiting a check up tomorrow. There is a suspicion that my symptoms are somewhat related to one of the procedures I had at the hospital at the beginning of the month…so they just want to give me a look over.
Anyway, it doesn’t seem like anything to worry about but I plan to continue resting for a few days, making the most of the annual leave I didn’t cancel when the holiday was cancelled. I will see you in a couple of days with an update and hopefully something colourful to show you!
See you soon, stay safe!
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Tuesday 22nd September 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well, we are doing alright this end.
It seems we will be going back in to some form of lock down soon. It makes minimal difference to us as since March the other half and I have been careful with going out and about…going alone or in small groups, wearing masks and making sure we are being safe for the sake of the residents at work.
Over the last couple of days the other half and I have been enjoying having some time off work. We were supposed to be going to Venice but that was cancelled…covid.
Today I want to show you the art I have been working on for the last few weeks…this is the next in the 2020 Seasons art I have been doing. Today is the first day of Autumn so here is “Autumn 2020”!
You could own an “Autumn 2020” of your own!
Get in touch with me for your “Autumn 2020” print at
This is a 6×8″ (15x20cm) print for £10 including 1st class p&p.
Haven’t got your “Spring 2020” or “Summer 2020” print yet? Not a problem, if you would like to buy the set just let me know in your email and I will get them sent out to you!
Get in touch with me for your “Spring 2020” or “Summer 2020” prints at
These art 6×8″ (15x20cm) prints for £10 each including 1st class p&p.
Again…thank you for your continued support.
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Sunday 20th September 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well?
I have been in work for the last few days but today I had a day off to relax which has been good. As the other half has been at work, I managed to get a decent amount of art done…in my next blog I will show you the art I have been doing for you!
I spoke with one of my consultants the other day and I have been formally diagnosed with 3 things in relation to my digestive system. This is good because once the consultant has informed my doctor, I can begin treatment to ease some of my symptoms. They have ordered one additional test just to be safe, this may be in a few weeks though.
On Friday night, after I blogged, I went off to do my bed time routine of feeding all my animals…I fed my gecko and my two cats, and as I went to feed my five fish I found that one had unfortunately gone to fishy heaven. Naturally, I was devastated…all my animals are my babies, so we had a little fishy funeral for him and I drew a cartoon version of him.
I wrote his name in the little blue space in the top right corner and gave him some little diamond sticker bubbles.
Stay safe, see you soon.
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Friday 18th September 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are ok, we are well this end.
I have been in work for the last couple of days so I have been having a bit of down time when I got home. As you may know, the other half is a gamer and I like to join him on the games from time to time. Last week I joined Among Us for the first time in a while, getting a kill then not knowing how to use the vent and getting caught red handed…and today I played Fall Guys for the first time ever, which of course I did not win either!
I decided since I’m not great at playing the games I would take a break and do a little bit of fan art for the games…what do you think?
Stay safe, see you soon.
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Wednesday 16th September 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well, we are doing ok this end.
Yesterday the other half was in work so I did some drawings in the morning and tackled a little bit of housework in the afternoon. In the evening we headed to the supermarket to do our big shop.
Today however, we had some time off together so we had date day…treat breakfast followed by some shopping, we spent some time at the other half’s favourite beer place and had a good old natter with the owner and tonight we will get some treat dinner. We like to have one proper date day together per month, usually around payday, where we can go to places that we like.
My art today is just a doodle again, since I can’t show you the art I am working on still…I doodled a little squirrel…
Stay safe, see you soon!
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Monday 14th September 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are doing alright, we are well at this end.
It is my first of three days off today so I am enjoying the warmer weather. The other half is back in work tomorrow so I am going to be focusing on a commission while he is out.
Today though, I was working on the art that I can’t show you yet…so there isn’t a lot for you to see again today. I am really looking forward to showing you the art that I am working on but here is a little flower doodle I did in the meantime…the yellow bit is just some scrap paper that I stuck in my art journal to give the whole page a bit of colour.
See you soon, stay safe!
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Saturday 12th September 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well, we are doing ok this end.
I have been in work today, the first day back after having time off for my hospital visit. It can be difficult going back to work even after only a couple of weeks off, so I am having a bit of a flare up in my back.
This means though that I have had plenty of time to rest and watch some Naruto with the other half. The kitties have been sat with us too and I have been doodling some kitty ninjas while watching TV. I have been working on something for you to see later in the month, this has taken up a fair amount of my attention…so here is one of my ninja kitty doodles while you wait!
Stay safe, see you soon.
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Thursday 10th September 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well, we are doing alright this end.
The other half has been working hard with his uni studies while I have been resting up, though we are both heading to work tomorrow for the weekly testing and then I will be working all weekend.
Today I would like to show you another one of my ideas for the care home colouring book that I am considering making. I chose a jukebox this time, it has a basic design to make it easy to colour and see the different areas. I want to work on this one a little bit more and I know that I definitely want to make the lines thicker as I did with the others. What do you think?
Stay safe, see you soon!
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Tuesday 8th September 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well, we are good this end.
I have managed to get a decent amount of rest over the last couple of days and I am feeling like me again…if a little more tired than normal. The other half is doing his uni week this week so he has some time off work for that. So far he has done 2 exams in 2 days…I am proud of how hard he is working!
Recently, a family member moved into an assisted living facility and I wanted to give him something that would help make it more homely for him to live there. Due to lock down and the nature of my job, it isn’t safe for me to go and visit, so I had another family member very kindly drop it off for me and they tell me he really likes it! What do you think?
See you soon, stay safe!
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Sunday 6th September 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well, we are doing ok this end.
Apologies for missing yesterday, if you saw my previous blog you will know that I had a hospital appointment. Everything went very smoothly and we are now awaiting some results to explain some long term symptoms. I have been spending the day resting since I was under sedation yesterday…doctors orders! It did mean that the other half was able to get some of his university work done while I was lay on the settee.
I promised you that when I returned I would have coloured my angry birds line art for you. I do not like to disappoint so…what do you think?
See you soon, stay safe!
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Thursday 3rd September 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well, we are doing alright this end.
The other half and I have enjoyed having a couple of days off together, watching plenty of Naruto of course! We popped in to work this morning for our regular covid tests, the other half is back to work tomorrow.
Last weekend I got a phone call explaining to me that the procedure I was expecting (which was cancelled 4 days prior to the appointment due to lock down) has now been rearranged and that they will see me this weekend. I organised to take the weekend off work.
As you are probably aware, I like to post my blog every other day…my next one would be due on Saturday but since that is the day of my appointment there is a chance that I will not be around. I am sorry for this, but if I do miss the blog then I will be back as soon as possible with my next one!
Today I bring you the line art for some Angry Birds fan art…what do you think?
The next time you see me I will show you the coloured version…I have already started colouring it for you! Wish me luck, stay safe, see you soon.
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Tuesday 1st September 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well?
Can you believe we are already in September? We have spent half the year on lock down at this end. Apparently local lock down restrictions are being lifted tomorrow in my area.
Today I had my first day off after working bank holiday weekend, so I…you guessed it…did some drawing and resting! I suppose I will end up being out and about more when the restrictions lift. Anyway, I have been watching some old movies again, I can’t get enough! Today was the 1930’s Snow White…classic!
You know my hands can’t be still though so as I was watching I drew one of the characters that I see in myself…Sleepy! Are there any characters from your favourite films that you can relate to?
Stay safe, see you soon!
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Sunday 30th August 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well, we are doing ok this end.
The other half has had some days off while I have been working…we are both in work again tomorrow. I have taken some time to rest after work today but I have got another colouring page idea to show you for my care home colouring book.
This time I created a simple vintage style dress, with a small ribbon under the collar and some simple ruffles. What do you think?
See you soon, stay safe!
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Friday 28th August 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are ok, me and mine are fine.
I have been trying to relax over the last couple of days as I have had some time off work, I am back tomorrow for the weekend though. The other half has been working so I got a fair bit of my commissions done and of course, a lot of snuggling with the cats!
Today I return with another colouring page idea…a steam train, which is one of my other half’s favourite modes of transportation. What do you think?
See you soon, stay safe!
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Wednesday 26th August 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well, we are good this end.
I got seen by the dentist yesterday and as predicted he spent 30 seconds looking at the gum and referred me to the hospital. He then cleared it out to prevent infection as the hole that the tooth is causing is pretty bad and the gum around the tooth in front is coming away. Anyway, we got the referral!
I have returned today with the artwork I promised you last week…I have now painted the kitty at the window. Last time I used my markers, this time I have used my acrylic paints. The paper is by no means designed for paint but it seems to work for what I needed it for. Which do you prefer?!
See you soon, stay safe!
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Monday 24th August 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well, we are doing alright this end. I am looking forward to having a day off tomorrow and heading out to the dentist to sort out my wisdom tooth.
I got my new glasses the other day…a purple pair for everyday use and a red pair of sunglasses. I kept my black ones because they are the same prescription but that have suffered a fair amount of wear and tear so I am thankful for a new pair.
I have been considering making a colouring book which is aimed towards residents of care homes or anyone else who may find the images interesting. I have been doing some trial and error to create different colouring pages for this book. Here is one of these pages…a vintage car which I have been working on. What do you think?
See you soon, stay safe!
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Saturday 22nd August 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well, we are ok this end.
I was back at work today so the other half was cooking dinner for me when I got in. I have been fighting teething pain…my wisdom tooth is coming through sideways, last time this happened I ended up being put to sleep to take it out. Now the opposite side is showing and it is pulling the gum away from the tooth in front of it, trying to push the other tooth out of my mouth. Of course this means I am finding it difficult to chew so the other half was slow cooking some pork for us for dinner!
I have done the first colouring of the kitty at the window. I went for my current go to media…Ohuhu markers. I wanted it to be a warm night with clear skies and I think this is portrayed in my final piece. What do you think?
I have another piece of this line art ready for the next media…I’m not sure what I will do just yet but I will show you when I have done it!
See you soon, stay safe!
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Thursday 20th August 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well, we are good at my end.
I have been making the most of having some time off work and getting started on that bigger piece of art I was telling you about. I don’t want to go as big as the A3 I did last time as I want it to be a little less time consuming. This is because I may be colouring it more than once, I’m not sure yet.
I was showing you the other day how I was practising with the brush tip fine liner as this would be the first time I have used one. I have some brush tip Ohuhu markers so it isn’t too unfamiliar. I am glad I did that practise though because I think the line art on this new piece is exactly what I imagined and hoped it would be!
Here is the line art of my new kitty at the window piece…a little smaller than A4 in size. What do you think?
See you soon, stay safe!
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Tuesday 18th August 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well, we are enjoying our day off together today.
The other half has had a lie in (which isn’t like him) and then we just spent the day relaxing and watching a bit of Naruto. I did pop to the shops with my Mum for an hour in the day though (don’t worry, she is part of my bubble). It was lovely to see her and it was great to have the help of someone who knows what I was looking for.
I have really wanted a brush tip fine liner for a while now, so I decided to get one today. I found a pack with some brown and grey fine liners and a black brush tip. I haven’t used brush tips before so a bit of practise is in order…I have just done a small sheet of doodles with it today to go into my private art journal, then when I am comfortable with it, I plan on started a bigger art piece. Other than my commissions, I haven’t done a big art piece in a while so I want to start on one shortly!
Here is my mini practise sheet. See you soon, stay safe!
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Monday 17th August 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well. We have had another weekly covid test at work and both my partner and I have come back negative again so we are all good.
Today was my last day in work until the weekend so me and the other half spent some time having a good old natter with some colleagues after work. Between working all weekend and crocheting the face mask adjusters that I showed you the other day…I haven’t had a lot of drawing time.
As you know I like to prioritise my commissions during my designated art time, so unfortunately I haven’t been doing any blog doodles this weekend. My hope is to return a day earlier than normal and have some doodles ready for you tomorrow. So I will hopefully see you then.
Stay safe!
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Saturday 15th August 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well, we are doing ok this end.
I have gone back to work now and will be working all weekend and Monday too. I have changed up my art a bit this time, I have something a little different to show you.
As you know I work in a care home and one of the things that we have needed over the last few months that we haven’t yet got is adjusters for our face masks. Anyway, I have had some friends and colleagues start to give me buttons so I can make my own. I started to crochet some rectangles and added the buttons ready to take to work. I have a small handful done already and will take them all the work next week when I have enough for those who have asked…and some spares.
Here is a picture of 3 of the red/pink ones I have been making…what do you think? I still have to make some yellow and black and blue and…well whatever colour spare wool I have lying around the house!
See you soon, stay safe!
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Thursday 13th August 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well. The other half has been in work for the last couple of days while I have been getting some much needed rest and catching up with a friend via video chat!
I have spent this time doing loads of artwork…commissions of course, doodles…and even some mini painting. I have been getting very comfortable with my markers since I got the Ohuhu marker pens, so I decided to challenge myself and do a little bit of painting again to practise and develop with this media.
These are two small paintings using acrylic paint which are heading over to my Mum shortly…I’m not sure what kind of flowers I painted, but they turned out fairly nice!
See you soon, stay safe!
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Tuesday 11th August 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well, we are doing ok this end.
The other half seems to be feeling a lot better now, eating and drinking ok and staying cool by the air con unit. I had a chat with my doctor and they have found a deficiency which they started to treat immediately. Unfortunately (as strange as this sounds), the deficiency is only mild…I use the word “unfortunately” as we were hoping it would be something easy to treat but it seems that now I am going to have to speak with a specialist for a more serious diagnosis. At least we are closer to getting some answers!
The other half and I have been getting some much needed rest today, watching Naruto of course! I have been making bookmarks again, I did the line art and cut them out the other day and I spent today colouring them in.
Tomorrow, I will spend most of my day doing my commissions as the other half is back in work…but I will try to get some doodling done for you to see in a couple of days.
See you soon, stay safe!
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Sunday 9th August 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well?
Honestly…I am so tired right now. I am getting regular updates about the family thing via text and so far things are stable, we are hoping a consultant visit tomorrow will bring good news. I have been at work the last 2 days and it has been very hectic, we are hoping for a quieter day tomorrow. The other half works in the same place as me and today he went back after his uni week…he looked so pale and was not eating or drinking, I was so worried, but he came home and had half a portion of dinner so that is good. We are awaiting a phone call from the doctor tomorrow or Tuesday to discuss my test results and hopefully get a diagnosis for my pain and fatigue.
I am so lucky to have the friends and family that I have! They are supportive and understanding, they have been keeping an eye on me even though we can’t see each other face to face.
I have done this little doodle for my art journal using my new skin tone Ohuhu markers…I didn’t know what I was drawing until I did it. I ended up with loads of leaves swirling in the wind. I imagine the tree they fell from is out of shot, but like I say…I didn’t know what I was drawing I just let my hand do the work.
I will update you on things soon. Stay safe!
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Friday 7th August 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well, me and my partner have had a couple of days off together. I have helped him a little with his uni work when he needed it which is a plus. I am back to work tomorrow for a few days.
We have been on a local lock down for a week now so we haven’t had a lot of chances to go anywhere really. I have also been sat by the phone waiting for some news on a family thing, so my partner and I have watched a fair amount of TV today between his classes to keep me distracted a bit.
I have a drawing here that I have not yet complete…I think. All I knew when I started this is that I wanted to draw a little kitty with big kitty eyes about to pounce on something. This part of the drawing is finished. I was hoping by doing this that I would figure out exactly how I wanted the background to look…or if I even wanted a background at all. I haven’t yet decided…what do you think?
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Wednesday 5th August 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well, we are doing alright this end.
So today I had my blood count and blood pressure tests done, hopefully I will get some positive results in the next few days to rule out some deficiencies…the blood pressure was a touch low but seemed fine. These are the tests that my doctor sent me for to try and figure out why I seem to be so tired. Fingers crossed!
Yesterday morning when I woke up and lay in bed for a bit doing literally nothing…as you do, I glanced at my curtains and saw a pattern on them that looked like a horse with flowers for the mane. Inspiration comes from the strangest of places at times…I ended up drawing a unicorn because of the pattern I saw in the curtains. The flowers are not part of the mane as I saw in the pattern but this is what I wanted to draw and I really like how it turned out.
I did the same line art twice but coloured one using marker pens and another using paints…I like different things about each one. I use multi-media paper but the paper seemed to struggle a bit with the paint.
Markers on the left … Paint on the right
Which is your favourite? See you soon, stay safe!
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Monday 3rd August 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well, we are doing well this end.
My other half has the week off work this week to go to uni again…due to the lock down they are still having virtual classes so this makes it easier for me to support him when he asks for it. I was at work over the last few days as you know but I now have a couple of days off.
The other day I showed you one of my art pieces that was sent off to a client in the post and asked you what the names of the Pokemon characters were…we had Team Rockets Jessie and James, and their Pokemons, which the other half tells me are called Arbok and Weezing…because I had seen them before but couldn’t remember their names!
Prior to this, I told you about a commission that I sent off in the post last week and via email. My client has sent over a review that they would like to feature on the testimonials page of my website…here is the bespoke art piece.
Let’s head over there now to see what they think! See you there, stay safe.
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Saturday 1st August 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are alright, we are doing well this end.
We have been placed on a local lock down now, so visiting family is restricted. Even when lock down eased I was careful about who I saw and how many times I would see people, making sure not to put any high risk people in danger. It was such a shame though as the local lock down meant that my family from Kent had to turn around and go home after they had already set off to see us. Next time maybe…hopefully!
Anyway, as you know my other half and I have weekly quizzes with our gamer friends. I have hosted 2 times and both times that I hosted the same person won! So their prize was a small 6×4 bespoke art piece. We discussed what they wanted and they chose a piece of fan art using markers…and they were very interested in 4 particular characters from Pokemon.
I sent them a copy via email for review and they love it, so the original is being put in the post first class tomorrow morning! I wonder if you can name all 4 characters?
Stay safe!
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Thursday 30th July 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well, we are doing alright this end.
The other day I showed you the final character doodle I did for the quiz…well done if you guessed Plank from Ed, Edd and Eddy! The other half has been in work today so I have had some time for my commissions…and soon I will be working on some promotional material for post-lock down. We have some ideas brewing so I want to work on art for them!
As you probably know by now…and just in case you don’t know, I work in a care home with elderly residents. I love my job…but 5 months of wearing these masks almost daily has gotten my skin in a bad state. At least I am keeping myself, my family and the residents safe! Between the mask and the fatigue, I have been feeling a lot like I need the extra rest, so I am thankful for the quieter days like today.
Inspiration can come from the strangest of places can’t it? Last week I ended up inventing this little fella…I guess we can call him the Covid Worker Bee.
See you soon, stay safe!
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Tuesday 28th July 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well, we are ok this end!
As I mentioned last time, today is my first day off work. My fatigue and pain have been worse than normal this week so I am definitely thankful for a couple of days rest…I will be back to work on the weekend though so that’s good!
The other half and I went to get some food shopping today, while I was out I got a print of one of my commissions done so I have packaged it up and I am posting it out tomorrow morning! My client has seen it and said they love it so they have the JPEG version via email already and will have the print in the post 1st class.
Last time we spoke I showed you another character doodle from last weeks quiz…if you said Sebastian from The Little Mermaid then you are correct! The character I am showing you today is from a childhood TV series which the other half likes and I have vague memories of. I remembered this character so clearly for some reason…who is it?
I will be back in a couple of days to reveal the answer! This is the last quiz doodle character but I did draw a little something that I want to show you when I return. See you soon, stay safe!
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Sunday 26th July 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well, we are doing alright this end…just working!
I have one more day in work then I can rest for a couple of days…it is important that we all take a day or two where we have nothing planned so we can recuperate from time to time…that will be Tuesday for me hopefully. It will also give me time to sort out things with my internet provider because I have been having issues a lot lately.
The other day I showed you the little guy who is heading over to my patreon…well done if you guessed Simon’s Cat!
Today I have a Disney character to show you, I wonder if you can name him?
I will see you in a couple of days! Stay safe.
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Friday 24th July 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are doing alright, the other half has enjoyed his day off gaming while I was at work. We did manage to nip to the shops after I finished work just to stock up on the essentials…milk, bread…chocolate spread! haha
Anyway, the other day I showed you another character I have drawn and asked you to tell me who he was. I gave you a clue…he is from Naruto Shippuden. His name is Sai. We are actually getting on quite well with the series…we have just started the 4th season!
Today I present to you this little guy…
He is currently waiting to meet my patreon, who is super excited to receive him as a gift! Do you know who he is? I will tell you next time!
Stay safe!
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Wednesday 22nd July 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well, we are doing alright this end.
I have had a couple of days off work to rest which has been great for my commission work. I managed to get loads done yesterday…and managed to get a decent amount of rest today too!
Last time I was telling you about the quick doodles I did for the quiz last week…these are only small drawings so they didn’t take me too long. I showed you a Homer and a Batman last time.
As you may be aware (since I don’t shut up about it) I am currently watching Naruto…so far we have managed to get a through a couple of seasons of the Shippuden series so we have recently been introduced to this character…
Do you know him? I will tell you his name next time, see you soon!
Stay safe!
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Monday 20th July 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well? Me and mine are doing fine!
I have spent the last few days in work so I haven’t done a lot of personal drawing over the weekend…it isn’t uncommon to put my own art on the back burner when I have work and commissions running alongside each other. I did however do some quick doodles for the weekly quiz as I was host again last night.
We were supposed to have the quiz on Friday but it got delayed until Sunday, which seemed to work out better for everyone anyway so that was good. One of the rounds I did while hosting was a “who am I?” round…similar to what we have been doing together with the other half’s character cards. I wanted to make it a little bit harder for the quiz so I only provided a small part of the character before revealing the whole thing.
Here are two of them for you to check out today…you have already seen some proper Homer and Batman fan art of mine so I thought I would show you both of these at the same time.
If you said Roadhog for the final character card last time then you are absolutely correct! Well done!
I will show you some of the other quiz doodles next time I see you!
Stay safe!
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Saturday 18th July 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are doing alright. We are well this end…but I am super tired so I have come here early to see you, as I plan on resting for the rest of the night.
The other day you saw the 5th character card I made for the other half on his birthday. Good job if you said Chihiro from spirited away! Today I will show you the 6th and final character card I made for the other half. This character is from one of the games that he currently plays, I can often hear him from the other room shouting about this game…do you know who this is?
I will be back in a couple of days to tell you who it is…now I am off to get some rest. Stay safe!
Thursday 16th July 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well?
We are doing well this end, the other half and I have been doing overtime at work to catch up for the annual leave we took so we have made the most of our day off together today. We did some shopping, I got a new top and he got a pair of trousers. Then we spent some time with our friends and had a good old, much needed natter!
I am back today to show you another of the other half’s character cards…the other day it was Goku so well done if you got that! Do you know who this is?
Check back in a couple of days to find out who it is and to see the final character card! I look forward to seeing you soon, stay safe!
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Tuesday 14th July 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are doing alright. We are all well this end, just been busy at work.
Myself and the other half have been working all weekend…but today we had the day off together which is always a plus! We spent most of the day either watching some more Naruto (I am on to the newer series where they are older now…Shippuden season 2!) or doing the housework, which he helps me with on our days off.
Last time we spoke I showed you his third 6×4 character card…Clank from one of his favourite games: Ratchet and Clank! Today we will look at another character card…this time it is another TV series character that he loves! Can you guess who this is?
See you next time when I will tell you who this is and show you another character card! Stay safe.
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Sunday 12th July 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well, we are doing alright this end.
Me and the other half have gone back to work this weekend and are feeling quite tired as a result…the first days back after annual leave are always the hardest. We met with some of the other half’s family last night for his birthday, he seemed to really enjoy it after so long in lock down.
Last time I saw you I showed you one of his birthday character cards…if you guessed Timon you are absolutely correct! So far we have had a movie character and a TV show character…so today I will give you a hint…this character is from one of the games the other half used to play. Who is it?
I will see you in a couple of days for the next one!
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Friday 10th July 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well?
The last couple of days have been very social in comparison to what we have been used to recently. We were able to see some friends yesterday…socially distanced of course, and we had quiz night again tonight with our gamer friends…I didn’t win of course. I will be quiz master next week so it saves me losing again anyway.
I have returned today as promised with another one of the 6×4 marker character cards that I did for the other half on his birthday!
Good job if you guessed Gajeel last time…do you know who it is this time?
Check back in a couple of days for the answer and another character!
Stay safe.
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Wednesday 8th July 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well, we are doing alright this end.
The other half really enjoyed his birthday yesterday! He didn’t want to go anywhere that was open, all his choices were closed due to the lock down…all but one. He wanted to go to one of the local beer shops, he absolutely loves it there. They get a lot of beers imported that the other half has never tried, so he likes to go and see if he can find one that tops his favourite, he thanked me several times for treating him to 2 beers he had never tried before so he must have enjoyed himself! We had a quiet day otherwise.
He seemed to really like his birthday present…last month he got a new part for his PC as an early gift, but yesterday he also got his drawings and homemade card. So as promised, I have returned today with some birthday art to show you. I made him six 4×6 marker drawings, each with a different character on from some of his favourite films, TV and games. I will show you one today…do you know who this fan art is of?
Come back soon to see another! Maybe you will see someone from one of your favourite films, TV or games…or maybe you will see one of your favourite characters!
I have now reopened all my art and commissions for you! You can get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Stay safe!
Monday 6th July 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are doing alright, we are enjoying our days off together. The other half has study week this week so he is spending a lot of time doing his virtual lessons for university.
He has arranged that tomorrow he will take the afternoon off and catch up before his next lesson because….IT IS HIS BIRTHDAY! Honestly, I think I am more excited than he is…
He has his gift here waiting for him in the morning, plus a homemade card of course…I will get you some pictures to see next time but I can’t ruin the surprise for him. Cards have been arriving for both me and my other half as our birthdays are so close together…so we are displaying them together.
I will be back in a couple of days to show you the other half’s gifts…
See you soon, stay safe!
I have now reopened all my art and commissions for you! You can get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Saturday 4th July 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well. I had a great day yesterday for my birthday!
The other half looked after me all day, making sure that I was enjoying myself! He gave me some beautiful flowers, cards and gifts, he helped me cook a fry up for breakfast and sat through a fair few episodes of Naruto with me.
We went to see the birds at the local Birds of Prey Centre, which was great because there were barely any people around, it being so cold and all. I also saw my folks who brought me some beautiful gifts too, it was great to see them even if we did have to socially distance.
All in all I had a fantastic day and I am so thankful to have my other half with me to make my birthday an enjoyable one!
While my folks were here, I gave my brother a gift. He recently took the big step of buying his first house, which he will move into after all the details have been finalised. So I went ahead and made him a little housewarming gift…what do you think?
I have now reopened all my art and commissions for you! You can get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Thursday 2nd July 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are good, we are doing well this end.
My little crestie seems to be doing a little better. He has a long way to go yet but he is doing ok so far! The other half and I are enjoying our days off together, even if we can’t go on trips or anything…it is nice to take some time out from work at the same time as each other every so often.
Tomorrow is my birthday…so today we went to the shops and got me a new outfit to wear tomorrow. A nice top and skirt which I can wear with leggings in case it gets cold. I don’t know what we are doing at the moment, my other half has some stuff in mind and I know I will see my folks at some point…but otherwise we will just see where the day takes us. Personally, I like to know what exactly is happening but it is difficult with the lock down…it isn’t like our favourite restaurant is open yet.
Anyway, here is a preview of my new birthday outfit…I love it!
I have now reopened all my art and commissions for you! You can get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Stay safe!
Tuesday 30th June 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are doing well?
Day one of my annual leave from work for mine and the other half’s birthdays. Not a good day today unfortunately…
My little crestie seems to be getting more poorly so we spoke with the vet this morning, they even video called us to check on him which was lovely of them! We can try to help him with the advice they have given us but it turns out he is going to feel very poorly for a while, we are hoping with the extra TLC he will get better!
I have kept my little crestie company for most of the day because he is sitting right next to my new 2 metre desk which we found on buy, sell, swap. My art station is having another revamp because of the arrival of this desk, so my little gecko can sit with me now, which is great while he needs monitoring more closely. Some good news there then.
The dishwasher arrived today…I moved out of my Mum’s house (after living away at uni) 4 years ago and never had a dishwasher so it is a real treat for us. Unfortunately, the dishwasher arrived broken…which we only noticed when it leaked all over the kitchen floor during the test run! Upon inspection we found dents and misaligned bits…
We will get in touch with the company in question tomorrow morning, hopefully something can be sorted out. I am a bit too worried about poor crestie to have faulty machinery arriving at my door! Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day, I will see you again with an update in a couple of days.
Stay safe!
I have now reopened all my art and commissions for you! You can get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Sunday 28th June 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well, we have cooled off a bit here.
My little gecko seems really poorly again…he seems to be getting along ok but he needs a bit of extra TLC than normal. I have time dedicated to work, health (physio, etc), commissions, doodling, and spending time with the other half and the animals as well as my family. I like this system, it helps me to maintain a good work life balance but over the last couple of days I have replaced my doodling time with animal time…to keep a closer eye on little gecko while he is poorly.
The cats seem to be enjoying the cooler weather and the fish have been absolutely fine so that is a weight off my shoulders! I am working tomorrow then I am off for a little over a week for mine and the other half’s birthday so I will get some drawings done for you to have a look at! See you in a couple of days. Stay safe!
I have now reopened all my art and commissions for you! You can get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Friday 26th June 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you aren’t melting too much in this heat, we are!
One of the two cats pretended she died yesterday…wasn’t until I shook her gently that she cried and came running towards me! Then the gecko went all 2D in the stomach area and gave me another fright! My Mum brought round her old air con unit for the animals, we managed to cool everyone down and they all went back to their normal ways…though the fish don’t seem phased to be honest.
I got my trapped nerve looked at yesterday so I am feeling a little bit better today, the other half was at work so I just rested up…no need for melting because of my Mums air con unit. So here is a nice cold drawing for you to try and cool off during this heat wave!
I have now reopened all my art and commissions for you! You can get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Wednesday 24th June 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are doing well! Today I had the day off to myself so I took full advantage and got some drawings done for the other half’s birthday. On 3rd July it is my birthday…then only 4 days later it is his birthday, so each day that I am home alone I do some more art for him.
As you can probably guess, he sees this blog so showing you what I am drawing is not the best idea…but wait until I gift it to him then you can see it too!
I have also been working on my commissions…but again these are not something I like to show on my website until the clients are happy and have gotten their bespoke art piece first!
So to fulfil you art cravings…here is a doodle I did for my sketchbook a couple of weeks ago for you to see. He seems to be a little bit upset as he has been sat in my journal for a while now…
I have now reopened all my art and commissions for you! You can get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Monday 22nd June 2020
Hi, welcome back!
Hope you are well, we are doing alright this end.
As yesterday was Father’s Day, we sat outside having a socially distanced catch up and I gave my Step-Dad his gifts. I got him a little robot which carries a tray just big enough to hold a pint, which of course he opened straight away. As soon as he got home he was teaching the robot how to dance and speak and all sorts…I watched via video chat!
I also drew him a little marker piece of art which he loved and said he thinks Monkey will love it (he has a Monkey, a Mini-Monk, a Maxi-Monk, and several others…he loves Monkey!)…what do you think?
I have now reopened all my art and commissions for you! You can get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Stay safe!
Saturday 20th June 2020
Hi, welcome back!
Thanks for checking in. As promised I have your surprise ready and waiting!!
First and foremost…I would like to THANK YOU for your continued support during this lock down period, it has been difficult to continue to work under these conditions. My face is really not thanking me for wearing these masks all day, getting to the shops in the reduced open hours was difficult at first, and not seeing my family for months is heartbreaking…but it is so worth it knowing that the residents are safe and well.
I imagine it has been difficult for you too, and I am so proud of you for staying strong and helping to prevent a second wave!
You will be pleased to know that I have now reopened all my art and commissions for you! So feel free to email me with all your queries again.
With the mix of sunny days and thunder storms, I am not sure whether the weather knows it or not…but…today is the first day of summer in the UK, meaning it is the longest day of the year.
To celebrate, I introduce to you my newest character: Summer! Named, of course after the title of my newest art “Summer 2020”.
I was inspired by the “beach body ready” line I hear every year. The character I created here is curvy….and happy! What matters is not what people think of you, but how you see yourself. Summer (socially distanced of course) heads to the beach in her swimsuit, rocking those curves!
You could own a “Summer 2020” of your own!
Get in touch with me for your “Summer 2020” print at
This is a 6×8″ (15x20cm) print for £10 including 1st class p&p.
Haven’t got your “Spring 2020” print yet? Not a problem, if you would like to buy the set just let me know in your email and I will get them both sent out to you!
Get in touch with me for your “Spring 2020” print at
This is a 6×8″ (15x20cm) print for £10 including 1st class p&p.
Again…thank you for your continued support.
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Friday 19th June 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well. As promised here is my comparison Simpsons fan art using my new paper…
Don’t forget to come back tomorrow for your big surprise!
Things I have learnt:
- It takes markers quite well…there is minimal feathering and bleeding when I layer the colours,
- I don’t need to put many layers of paper underneath my art when colouring it because of the minimal bleeding, and
- Although the paper is smooth, it does look slightly textured when coloured due to little white dots appearing after the colours have dried (I tried this with multiple colours on multiple art pieces and it is the same) but I quite like that it give the appearance of more textured paper.
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
I have now reopened my bespoke digital commissions, which will be sent via email in JPEG format.
I will be opening up the rest of my art shortly, including my prints, so stay tuned for an update! Thank you for your understanding and support!
Stay safe!
Wednesday 17th June 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well. We are doing well this end. The storms are still coming every night and the heat/humidity is really taking its toll on me…but I guess it isn’t too bad considering the way the rest of 2020 has been going so far. The other half and I have been off for a couple of days together so we have mostly been enjoying watching TV and spending time together.
Tonight we watched one of my favourite films of all time…Harry Potter!! During the day however, the other half plays his games, so I have been doing plenty of drawing. For example, here is my Simpsons fan art…
I had a little bit of an argument with one of Homers eyes…the paper just broke up under my pens…
Anyway, I got some new paper delivered today and I am in the process of doing this same drawing on that new paper to do a direct comparison of quality. So pop back on Friday to check that out!
Don’t forget I have a little surprise for you on Saturday which I completed today and I am super excited, so check in regularly this weekend!
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
I have now reopened my bespoke digital commissions, which will be sent via email in JPEG format.
I will be opening up the rest of my art shortly, including my prints, so stay tuned for an update! Thank you for your understanding and support!
Monday 15th June 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are safe and dry from the storm tonight! At my end the hail has been so heavy it is basically raining ice cubes, the balcony is filling with water quicker than the drains can filter it down and the cats are running around petrified of the thunder and lightning.
I was working today but over the weekend I spent most of my time working on my commissions. I also spent some time working on a surprise for you…no spoilers, you’ll have to meet me here on Saturday to find out what it is! Don’t worry, I wouldn’t leave you with nothing…I did a couple of very quick doodles for you to fill your art cravings. Check them out below. Now I am off to bed with the cats to try and hide from this storm!
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
I have now reopened my bespoke digital commissions, which will be sent via email in JPEG format.
I will be opening up the rest of my art shortly, including my prints, so stay tuned for an update! Thank you for your understanding and support!
Stay safe!
Saturday 13th June 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope things are good your end, we are doing well here.
I am enjoying having a couple of days off to catch up on some things. I have been able to make some home made bread for the family, do some of my commission work, help the other half with his university work, meet with my folks and brother for a socially distanced natter, go shopping for food and I even got some doodling done! It has been a busy couple of days but I have had chance to rest which is always good. Plus, tonight we will be having our weekly quiz with the gamer gang online.
My doodle for you today is Kirito from Sword Art Online. I binge watched this series about a year ago when I first learnt of it. I still haven’t seen everything, I think I watched it in a strange order but I just watched what was available online at the time.
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
I have now reopened my bespoke digital commissions, which will be sent via email in JPEG format.
I will be opening up the rest of my art shortly, including my prints, so stay tuned for an update! Thank you for your understanding and support!
Stay safe!
Thursday 11th June 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well.
Me and the other half have been working but tomorrow we get a day off together which will be lovely. He is working the weekend though so I will do some proper drawings for you then but for now, it is a quick hello and little doodle for you. I have become a little bit addicted with watching Disney recently so a bit of Disney Doodling is bound to come out when I am watching TV.
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
I have now reopened my bespoke digital commissions, which will be sent via email in JPEG format.
I will be opening up the rest of my art shortly, including my prints, so stay tuned for an update! Thank you for your understanding and support!
Stay safe!
Tuesday 9th June 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well? I have enjoyed resting today after 4 days at work and another 2 on the way. I did some doodling in my journal and spent some time on my commissions too.
I spent some time with my two kitties while the other half was playing his games. My cats are both white with patches of tabby, twins and super cute! I decided my blog art today should be of the little faces they pull at me:
1: “Hi”
2: “You have wiggled your toes for the last time!”
3: “A new toy? You shouldn’t have!”
4: “Yey” Treaties!”
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
I have now reopened my bespoke digital commissions, which will be sent via email in JPEG format.
I will be opening up the rest of my art shortly, including my prints, so stay tuned for an update! Thank you for your understanding and support!
Sunday 7th June 2020
Hi, welcome back!
Hope you are well, we are safe and happy.
I have spent the last few days working, I will have a day off on Tuesday so I can get a decent amount of art done then I’m hoping. Yesterday I received a new testimonial from another happy client! His Name is Dave and he asked me to draw a picture of his beloved dog.
He wasn’t sure about what type of media he would like when he first asked me, so I did some samples for him to see the different options available and he chose the one he thought would best suit what he had in his mind. We worked together for some time getting this right and we communicated a lot, I sent him updates throughout the process and he gave me feedback at each stage about things he liked or would like changing.
Due to the unforeseen circumstances of the Covid-19 lock down, my regular printing shop was closed down and I had to take my physical art off the market. This did not stop me! I searched and called and visited every printing shop in the area (and even one in an area near him) to get his art to him as soon as possible.
Shall we go and have a look at this bespoke digital A3 piece of art and read what Dave has got to say about it? See you there! Click here!
If you would like your own bespoke art work get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
I have now reopened my bespoke digital commissions, which will be sent via email in JPEG format.
I will be opening up the rest of my art shortly, including my prints, so stay tuned for an update! Thank you for your understanding and support!
Friday 5th June 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are alright, me and the other half are doing well and have both had another negative result of Covid-19, so we have begun to meet with our loved ones.
When I say meet…I mean my Mum sat in her car and I sat on the wall more than 2 metres away in rain, while my partner was social distance drinking in the rain in his Mums garden. At least we can start to see our loved ones again.
I have been doing some studies again yesterday which I thought you would like to see…this time I have been studying hands and paws. What do you think?
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
I have now reopened my bespoke digital commissions, which will be sent via email in JPEG format.
I will be opening up the rest of my art shortly, including my prints, so stay tuned for an update! Thank you for your understanding and support!
Stay safe!
Wednesday 3rd June 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are doing well, we are all fine this end.
The other half is back to his usual self and we have spent the day moving my art space around. He has helped me move all the heavier stuff, as well as anything technology related because I can’t be trusted to put the cables back in the right places…
Anyway, since my art station was uprooted I have had very little (what I call) “art time”, so I prioritised my commissions. I will get some more art done over the next couple of days so when I am back you will have something new to look at 🙂
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
I have now reopened my bespoke digital commissions, which will be sent via email in JPEG format.
I will be opening up the rest of my art shortly, including my prints, so stay tuned for an update! Thank you for your understanding and support!
Stay safe!
Monday 1st June 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are doing well and enjoying the sunny weather, keep yourself hydrated! The other half hasn’t been feeling too good today so Nurse Sally has been trying to keep his fluids up while he gets some rest 🙁
I have been going between my commissions and doodling over the last couple of days, enjoying my time off and staying in the shade as much as possible.
A little bit of fan art…
Drawing what I am watching has become a bit of a habit!
And doodling random things to practise my marker blending without bleeding…
I have just been sticking these into my art journal, which is getting a bit bulky now…I think I will have to get an elastic band round it at this rate!
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
I have now reopened my bespoke digital commissions, which will be sent via email in JPEG format.
I will be opening up the rest of my art shortly, including my prints, so stay tuned for an update! Thank you for your understanding and support!
Stay safe!
Saturday 30th May 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are doing well. We are fine, just getting some rest after working in the heat for the last few days. I burn very easily. Anyway, while I was resting I was doing some doodling and opened up those trusty new markers again.
We also had our weekly gamers gang quiz again tonight…yes I keep losing but at least I can enjoy the social side of things and I only came last once out of the quizzes we have done so far! haha.
I am going to get back on to the bigger projects again tomorrow and I am looking forward to tackling a couple of new commissions!
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
I have now reopened my bespoke digital commissions, which will be sent via email in JPEG format.
I will be opening up the rest of my art shortly, including my prints, so stay tuned for an update! Thank you for your understanding and support!
Stay safe!
Thursday 28th May 2020
Hi, welcome back!
Hope all is good your end, we are doing well here.
Me and the other half went out at 8pm tonight to clap for our care home colleagues and all the other key workers! I will be heading back out later to see the space station…I was waiting last night and never saw it but it has passed by every other night since I first went out so I am hoping I will catch it today.
I somehow managed to trap my finger between the chair and the desk last night…so I took a break from my commissions because of course I want them to be perfect. Instead, I kept my finger moving by doing some doodles, I’m glad I did because it seems to be getting better quickly.
This gave me chance to use my new scrap book paper too. I got a little booklet with several designs in and I found a black piece with white spots, so I stuck that into my little art journal and drew a basic black paw onto white paper to stick on top. I love how the scrap paper compliments the paw, what do you think?
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
I have now reopened my bespoke digital commissions, which will be sent via email in JPEG format.
I will be opening up the rest of my art shortly, including my prints, so stay tuned for an update! Thank you for your understanding and support!
Stay safe!
Tuesday 26th May 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are doing well, I have been enjoying a couple of days off work trying to recuperate, feeling strong enough to have another 3 days at work from tomorrow.
I heard back from the marker company and they aren’t able to do much for the dry pen issue at the moment due to the current corona situation…which is understandable. So I decided to finish my Naruto art with the closest colour I had. Here is the finished product! I hope you like it…
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
I have now reopened my bespoke digital commissions, which will be sent via email in JPEG format.
I will be opening up the rest of my art shortly, including my prints, so stay tuned for an update! Thank you for your understanding and support!
Stay safe!
Sunday 24th May 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I really hope you feel better than I do! I have had a bit of a tough weekend and as a result my pains are worse than normal. So I decided that while I am resting on the balcony with my other half, I should do something fun!
Now…as you know I am waiting for news about replacing one of my new markers…and I have been doing a lot of marker work recently to practise. I thought…what better than a bit of toothbrush painting?! I painted a small board canvas with a nice dark blue that I mixed, I didn’t want a solid colour so I just went a bit mad with my brush strokes. Then I mixed my yellow, dipped my toothbrush and started flicking…this is the result.
I had a lot of fun, despite not having a set guideline as I am used to…so it is something I would like to try again in the future.
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
I have now reopened my bespoke digital commissions, which will be sent via email in JPEG format.
I will be opening up the rest of my art shortly, including my prints, so stay tuned for an update! Thank you for your understanding and support!
Stay safe!
Friday 22nd May 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are staying safe and well. After a long day at work today I haven’t had a lot of drawing time…fortunately I did some drawing yesterday which I can show you… Mulan fan art, Cri Kee! I love him so much!!
My partner and I got home from work and had something to eat, then we headed out to the balcony to watch the international space station go over Manchester as a colleague said this would be happening about 10pm. We were a little overcast but we think we saw it…apparently it will happen again over the next few days so we will be keeping an eye out for it again these coming nights. Let me know if you saw it from where you are!
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
I have now reopened my bespoke digital commissions, which will be sent via email in JPEG format.
I will be opening up the rest of my art shortly, including my prints, so stay tuned for an update! Thank you for your understanding and support!
Stay Safe!!
Wednesday 20th May 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are doing alright and enjoying the return of the sunny weather…assuming it has been as hot for you as it has been for us today. The other half and I have been spending some time on the balcony, playing games and watching movies…just a nice relaxing day.
Yesterday I started to add colour to my Naruto A3 fan art…so far so good. However, one of the markers I need to finish it has run dry. I am waiting to hear back from the supplier because it was fairly dry when I got it (I just assumed it was a dry colour) but now it has fully run out so I think it is defective.
Anyway, I have heard very good things about the company so hopefully they will be understanding and let me get one individually because I don’t want to buy another pack just for one colour after having them only a week. In the meantime, here is the A3 fan art of Naruto characters as far as I could take it. I hope you like it!
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
I have now reopened my bespoke digital commissions, which will be sent via email in JPEG format.
I will be opening up the rest of my art shortly, including my prints, so stay tuned for an update! Thank you for your understanding and support!
Stay Safe!
Monday 18th May 2020
Hi, welcome back!
Apologies for the lack of art the other day, as you know I came home then rushed straight online for the quiz…but today I will make it up to you!
I have been doing some more marker doodling to practise and came up with a little flower…don’t ask me what kind of flower it is, I just made it up.
I also did one of Sonic…inspired by an answer I was given in the quiz. I asked what type of animal is sonic and one person responded that he is a sonic…we all had a good giggle and it was still on my mind yesterday so I drew sonic.
I have also put the pen line art on my A3 Naruto work and taken a picture for you at this stage. I have started the colour but I will show you that when I am a bit further in.
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
I have now reopened my bespoke digital commissions, which will be sent via email in JPEG format.
I will be opening up the rest of my art shortly, including my prints, so stay tuned for an update! Thank you for your understanding and support!
Stay safe!
Saturday 16th May 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I have been working for the last couple of days but I am looking forward to having 5 days at home from tomorrow to do some art. Tonight we are meeting some friends online and having another quiz, this time I am the quiz master (we are taking turns).
So, I am writing this blog just to say a quick hello and check up on how you are doing. I hope you are keeping safe. I look forward to seeing you back here very soon with some more art!
Stay safe!
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
I have now reopened my bespoke digital commissions, which will be sent via email in JPEG format.
I will be opening up the rest of my art shortly, including my prints, so stay tuned for an update! Thank you for your understanding and support!
Thursday 14th May 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I have been working today…and will be working for the next couple of days. Not to worry though, I will still be giving you a doodle to look at today.
This is another new marker practise…a character that I did not include on my A3 Naruto fan art…Rock Lee. I had some trouble with him to be honest. I put my hand on the black ink on the hair while it was still wet…then proceeded to plonk my hand on the pale part of his face.
Needless to say that added a bit of extra work for me to get rid of the hand print…I may have smudged a few things in the process. I have also learnt that I should completely erase the pencil before I add the pen.
Despite these setbacks, I think it is a good doodle which has taught me a few things about my new markers. Hope you like it!
See you soon with some more of my art. Stay safe!
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
I have now reopened my bespoke digital commissions, which will be sent via email in JPEG format.
I will be opening up the rest of my art shortly, including my prints, so stay tuned for an update! Thank you for your understanding and support!
Tuesday 12th May 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are keeping well.
I have returned today with a bit more new marker practise! What do you think of my Natsu: Fairy Tail fan art?!
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
I have now reopened my bespoke digital commissions, which will be sent via email in JPEG format.
I will be opening up the rest of my art shortly, including my prints, so stay tuned for an update! Thank you for your understanding and support!
Stay safe!
Sunday 10th May 2020
(Now technically Monday)
Hi, welcome back!
Sorry for the delay, it has been a busy one today…but here I am as promised with some new doodles using my brand new markers!
Some things I have learnt about these markers…
- They bleed…a lot. Maybe it is just the paper I am using, but the same paper was alright with the sharpies.
- They blend REALLY well, some colours better than others but that might be because I am not yet used to them, and
- I love these markers!
A bit more practise and I think I will be able to tackle the A3 Naruto fan art!
Again, apologies for the delay and thank you for checking in to see my new markers in action!
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
I have now reopened my bespoke digital commissions, which will be sent via email in JPEG format.
I will be opening up the rest of my art shortly, including my prints, so stay tuned for an update! Thank you for your understanding and support!
Stay safe!
Saturday 9th May 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well.
Today, I have been spending some time with the animals and getting lots of drawing done too. I also used my old markers to make this…
Pretty much how I was feeling at the start of this week but I am feeling better after a little self TLC. It is always worth taking a step back from time to time.
My new markers arrived today and I am super excited! I did my Homer fan art doodle before they arrived so that is why I used the older markers for him. The yellow doesn’t seem too streaky to be fair. I have been practising with my new markers today so come back tomorrow and I will show you one of my new marker doodles!
See you then, stay safe.
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
I have now reopened my bespoke digital commissions, which will be sent via email in JPEG format. However, the rest of my art is still on pre-order due to the current lock down situation. Thank you for your understanding and support!
Thursday 7th May 2020
Hi, welcome back!
Hope you are staying safe. As promised, I have returned with a Naruto fan art update.
I have spent the day drawing some more characters and adding them on to my A3 piece, all the white space has now been filled! Bare in mind I just started the 3rd season so no spoilers please!
I have decided that my markers are getting on a bit, they are more streaky than they have ever been… so I ordered some new ones. They are due to arrive in a few days hopefully, so I can start colouring this in next week.
In the meantime, here is the finished HB pencil line art.
I hope you like it!
After I finished, I took a step back and realised I kind of made it look like Sakura is taking a selfie of everyone…oh well it looks good like that haha!
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
I have now reopened my bespoke digital commissions, which will be sent via email in JPEG format. However, the rest of my art is still on pre-order due to the current lock down situation. Thank you for your understanding and support!
Wednesday 6th May 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well, I have spent the last couple of days getting some much needed rest! I have spent a little bit of time with the other half, but not very much because he has been doing his university work. This has given me a big opportunity for some “me” time, so I can look after myself and get back to things feeling stronger. I hope you are looking after yourself too, it is important, especially under the current circumstances.
I have been focusing only on the commissions during these last couple of days, making sure that I am giving myself plenty of time to recuperate…but tomorrow I plan on doing a little bit more of the Naruto fan art…so meet me back here tomorrow night!
See you then, stay safe.
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
I have now reopened my bespoke digital commissions, which will be sent via email in JPEG format. However, the rest of my art is still on pre-order due to the current lock down situation. Thank you for your understanding and support!
Monday 4th May 2020
Hi, welcome back!
Hope you are well.
Today my two cats turned 4!! We got them when they were 6 months old, so we kept the names they already had, they are from the same litter and are almost identical twins. They are both Mummy’s girls!! Which naturally pleases me, their Mummy, so of course I can tell them apart…but it takes my other half a second or two to figure out which one he is talking to.
Anyway, I was in work today so they spent the day with my other half, but when I got home we went online and they helped us choose a brand new scratching post as a birthday treat (their old one is particularly old). Now, when I say they helped…what I mean is, they sat on the settee and watched us choosing their gift out for them.
Between the kitties birthdays, work and helping the other half with his university work…I won’t be doing a lot of drawing tonight like I normally would. So here is a (very quick) doodle to celebrate my babies birthdays!
Join me in saying happy birthday to my girls. Stay safe, see you soon.
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
I have now reopened my bespoke digital commissions, which will be sent via email in JPEG format. However, the rest of my art is still on pre-order due to the current lock down situation. Thank you for your understanding and support!
Saturday 2nd May 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are staying safe. I have been off work today so I decided to set out on an all new drawing.
I don’t know if you have heard of Mermay…but essentially it is an annual art challenge where you use a prompt word to draw a mermaid every day. I think it is a lovely thing to have these art challenges…but they don’t work for me. Between working at the care home and doing my commissions, personal art tends to sit on the back burner.
So I am sorry to say that this year I won’t be joining Mermay…but I wanted to feed your Mermaid cravings, so I have drawn a mermaid today for you. I have given the original copy in JPEG format to my Mum and asked her to name it.
So without further ado…I would like to introduce you to Shelly.
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
I have now reopened my bespoke digital commissions, which will be sent via email in JPEG format. However, the rest of my art is still on pre-order due to the current lock down situation. Thank you for your understanding and support!
Stay safe!
Thursday 30th April 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are doing well, we are safe at this end!
I have been in work for the last couple of days so I haven’t done a lot of my Naruto drawing, but I have been doing some doodles.
One of my doodles is inspired by our dinner from tonight. We came home from work and cooked some burgers with bacon and eggs…yum! You need a treat food from time to time after working hard. So here is my Sharpie burger doodle…or as the other half calls him…Glen!
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
My art is currently on pre-order status until further notice. Thank you for your understanding and support!
Stay safe!
Tuesday 28th April 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are staying safe. I was working yesterday but today I have been off with the other half, so we have been playing games with our friends online.
I took a break from the games to do some sketching. As I am so indecisive…I thought I would get a bit of paper out and sketch a couple of the Naruto characters before I commit to who I want to add to my A3 piece. So I can’t show you who I have added as I have not decided yet, but I will show you who I am considering adding.
Stay tuned, I will add more characters soon!
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
My art is currently on pre-order status until further notice. Thank you for your understanding and support!
Stay safe!
Sunday 26th April 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well, me and the other half are just enjoying a relaxing day off together…I have been drawing and he has been gaming!
I have popped on today to let you know that, as promised, I have finished the art that you voted to see…Tracer: Overwatch fan art. As you know, I did the line art yesterday, so today I coloured her in.
I decided to draw her almost kneeling and holding two weapons, as if she is about to pounce…or maybe she has just landed from an attack…who knows?
While I was colouring her in, I was chatting to my other half and the gaming group and they happened to be playing Overwatch at the time, so I showed them the finished product and they approve!
I hope you like it too!
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
My art is currently on pre-order status until further notice. Thank you for your understanding and support!
Stay safe!
Saturday 25th April 2020
Hi, welcome back!
Today I have had a nice sunny day off work, so I headed to the balcony to do some social distanced sketching in the warm weather. I have now added two more characters to my Naruto A3 fan Art. As I am watching the second season still, I am being introduced to new characters and it is making it harder for me to decide who to draw. Today I settled on Kakashi Sensei and The Nine Tailed Fox.
I also sat with my kitties for a while inside where it was cooler for them. They helped me do the line art for your requested piece: Tracer from Overwatch. When I say that they helped, I mean I got little kitty head bumps and had a few extra lines which I then had to erase…at least it is only the sketch. They don’t get to play with my final line art…as much as they would like to contribute haha!
I won’t be showing you your Tracer fan art until it is finished so come back soon to see it!
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
My art is currently on pre-order status until further notice. Thank you for your understanding and support!
Say safe…see you soon!
Thursday 23rd April 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well? Happy St George’s Day!
As promised, I set up the poll on Facebook with 2 of the suggestions I was given for art you would like to see on this blog…Tracer: Overwatch fan art, or Coronavirus: Current events.
You voted over a 24 hour period…now the results are in…
Tracer had the majority vote! I will be honest with you…I don’t play this game…or more, I suck at this game haha. My other half does play this game, so he was thrilled when this option won. His favourite character is Roadhog.
I will be back in a couple of days with an update, so stay tuned and come back soon to see my Tracer fan art.
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
My art is currently on pre-order status until further notice. Thank you for your understanding and support!
Tuesday 21st April 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are enjoying this lovely sunshine from the comfort of your own home as I am today?
As promised, I have started a poll on my Facebook story with two suggestions I was given by you. Check it out and get voting, I will wait for the results! Just click HERE and watch my story, then click your favourite option.
Thanks again if you suggested ideas. See you soon. Stay safe!
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
My art is currently on pre-order status until further notice. Thank you for your understanding and support!
Monday 20th April 2020
Hi, welcome back!
Just popping in to say a quick hello.
Thank you if you sent some ideas in for what you would like to see me draw. Stay tuned because soon I will put a poll on Facebook with some of my favourite suggestions.
I haven’t got much to report really…work and home as usual. I hope you are keeping well…stay safe, I will see you back here soon!
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
My art is currently on pre-order status until further notice. Thank you for your understanding and support!
Saturday 18th April 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well, we are all fine.
Today I have had a day off work and have spent the whole day resting up in my house, I will be doing some of my commissions tomorrow…but for today I started a piece just for the joy of it.
Normally when I do art for myself, I do small pieces so that I don’t take up a lot of my commission time, but I decided to start on a bigger piece and just allow myself as long as it takes to finish it in between my other work. This will bring me a different type of joy than the smaller pieces bring me (the smaller art still brings me joy, don’t worry!). When I finish bigger pieces for myself I get a little bit chuffed, even if they do just sit in my portfolio.
Anyway, I thought you might like to see stage one. I just started sketching a couple of characters from a series that the other half and I have been watching recently…my most recent commission is A3 so I decided to do A3 for this art too.
I previously showed you a Naruto drawing of just the logo but I decided to make a bigger piece this time! It is just the start of the process but I have got some sketches down…like I said, I will just take it slow and do little bits in between my commission work.
If you want a commission piece of your own, get in touch with me at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
My art is currently on pre-order status until further notice. Thank you for your understanding and support!
Thursday 16th April 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well!
I just popped on to say a quick hello. There is no art from me today as I came home from work, put my uniform to wash, showered and ate (thanks to the other half for cooking). Now I am sat about just trying to get some rest and snuggling with my kitties. I will spend some time on my commissions then head online to play games with the gang.
I tell you what…to make up for the lack of art today…you get to choose one of my art pieces for next week! Contact me on Facebook via private messenger with your suggestions. What art would you like to see on this blog?! Suggestions will be taken until Sunday 19th April 2020.
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
My art is currently on pre-order status until further notice. Thank you for your understanding and support!
Stay safe!
Tuesday 14th April 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well, we are doing alright this end. Working and coming home, same old story but at least we are safe!
Whenever I get spare time…like when the other half is working and I am stuck in the house, I like to watch TV and documentaries about the things I love or things that interest me.
When I was little, I would always say “when I grow up, I want to be an Egyptologist” (not that I could pronounce Egyptologist). Anyway, that never came to be…I changed my dreams as I aged and found new things I could be passionate about…but I never lost interest in learning about Ancient Egypt.
Recently, a show called Egypt from the 1990’s caught my attention online so I have been watching that. It is only a few episodes long so I have to pace myself! I can’t sit still for very long though, even when I am enjoying what I am watching…so out come the pens and paper and I doodle while I learn!
Also…yesterday I finished my biggest commission piece and my client is very pleased with the final results, you will get to see it soon don’t worry.
In the meantime, if you would like your own bespoke piece of art, you can get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
My art is currently on pre-order status until further notice. Thank you for your understanding and support!
Stay safe!
Sunday 12th April 2020
Hi, welcome back!
Happy Easter!
However you choose to celebrate today, I hope you are having a good time. I was working half day but now I am home I can spend some time with my animals (one of the kitties was poorly with the heat yesterday so it is nice to be home with her to keep an eye on her). I also get some time with my other half and our gamer friends. Me and the other half will be having a lovely roast dinner tonight too!
Here’s Miss Easter Bunny, she’s here to check you are having a good Easter Sunday during these difficult times.
Not only are we celebrating Easter Sunday today…but we are celebrating the 1st anniversary of me returning to art!
I took a short break from artwork while I was studying, a break which continued for a while during post graduation employment. I used to work myself silly…I had 2 jobs and worked 7 days a week but I liked it. It was only when I became poorly that I had to reduce my hours. I thought this was a bad thing, but then I started learning to crochet and was spending a lot of my time with this…which reminded me how much I love arts and crafts…after a while I decided to get back into drawing and I haven’t put my pencils down since!
That was one year ago today!
This is one of the best decisions I made since becoming unwell…revisiting a hobby that I love. Filling the time I used to use to overwork with something enjoyable and stimulating, something that brings joy to my clients…not just to me. By picking up my pencils again, I remembered just how much I love art!
So happy Easter…and happy “Sally returned to art” day!
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
My art is currently on pre-order status until further notice. Thank you for your understanding and support!
Friday 10th April 2020
Hi, welcome back!
Happy Good Friday!
Today was very similar to the last couple of days…long day at work, come home, put the uniform to wash, shower, cook, eat and watch some TV. I will be heading to bed in a minute so I thought I would show you a little bit of my day.
Today at work I did a quick sketch for Easter…as requested I did a little yellow chick which was then used to transfer on to one of the windows in the home that a lot of the residents will get to see. Those who have seen him so so far seem to like him…
What do you think?
I left him with limited details as the window drawing was made using window chalks. Smaller cuties like this fella can’t have too much detail or he wouldn’t be easy to see from a distance. We wanted bright and eye catching, I think he meets these requirements, ey?
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
My art is currently on pre-order status until further notice. Thank you for your understanding and support!
Wednesday 8th April 2020
Hi, welcome back!
Hope you are well, we are doing alright at our end.
After a long day at work today…I came home, got a shower, put my uniform to wash, made and ate dinner and now I am finally sat resting! Luckily I have my other half to help me with these tasks or I wouldn’t be able to get things done!
Feeling tired and sore, I didn’t want to sit at my desk and draw properly so I decided tonight that I can just doodle what my partner and I are watching while we watch it…recognise him?
We love a bit of family guy in this house…Brian is one of my favourite characters so I thought I would share my doodle of him with you before I head to bed.
Good night, stay safe!
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
My art is currently on pre-order status until further notice. Thank you for your understanding and support!
Monday 6th April 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well.
This weekend me and my other half were supposed to host some friends for 4 days and 3 nights. Obviously that was cancelled due to the current Covid-19 restrictions.
We are a group of people from across the UK who regularly go online to play games. Some of which I do not play…during those games I am usually drawing while chatting with our friends. We meet up once or twice a year, so cancelling was a bit upsetting for us all but of course we are following the isolation rules!
Tonight though, we are all getting together online…the busiest it has been in a while…12 of us playing games that everyone has access to.
So I am focusing on my games tonight but I will be back with some art soon!!
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
My art is currently on pre-order status until further notice. Thank you for your understanding and support!
Saturday 4th April 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you and yours are safe and well. We are doing alright this end.
I was supposed to have a bit of time off work this weekend…the plan was to do a couple of bits of art for you to see. Well…I got called into work, I agreed to do the shift because I was needed, I love the residents and I respect the hard work my colleagues have been putting in…so I went in to help. Anyway, I have been super tired recently so instead of drawing when I got home, I just went to bed…which means that art time was just for commissions today.
I didn’t want to leave you without any new art though, so I have taken some photos of my personal sketchbook that I thought you might like. Hopefully this will fill your arts desire for the next couple of days while I work on the next one.
I hope you like them.
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
My art is currently on pre-order status until further notice. Thank you for your understanding and support!
Thursday 2nd April 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well, me and mine are doing alright.
I have been super busy with work over the last couple of weeks, as you know…but I have been making plenty time to do some art too. I am still working on my commissions, as well as working on things for myself.
Developing my skills is just as important to me as working on art for you, so I like to do both. Today is another study page in my sketchbook…ears! Eventually I will have studies of everything and I can use these to draw a whole person…let’s see ey? One study at a time…haha.
I may have to do these studies several times to make them great but there is no such thing as too much practise!
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
My art is currently on pre-order status until further notice. Thank you for your understanding and support!
Tuesday 31st March 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are keeping well, thank you for checking in! Today I received another wonderful testimonial for one of my commissions.
Katie asked me for a grey scale ballerina to match her decor. This is a little bigger than A5 in size and is one of my earlier pieces of commissioned art.
Let’s go and see what Katie thinks of the art I produced for her on my testimonials page! See you there!
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
My art is currently on pre-order status until further notice. Thank you for your understanding and support!
Monday 30th March 2020
Hi, welcome back!
Just a quick hello today…
I don’t know about you but with daylight savings losing us an hour yesterday…I am fairly tired. So today after work I have been resting. Tomorrow, I very much plan on doing the same thing! I am also going to make the most of a day off to work on my commissions.
I hope you are getting enough rest! Stay safe and keep well. I will be back with more energy soon!
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
My art is currently on pre-order status until further notice. Thank you for your understanding and support!
Saturday 28th March 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are doing well with everything that has been going on. My partner and I had a day off together today…so we had homemade bread and a fry up for breakfast and watched some more Naruto!
This afternoon, I made the most of my day off by working on my commissions. This is going really well and I am pleased with the results so far!
When I wanted a quick break from this, I started back on my studies…as I haven’t done these for a while. Today was nose studies.
I just wanted to do a mixture of human and cartoon noses like I did with the eye studies…which you can see here: Studies.
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
My art is currently on pre-order status until further notice. Thank you for your understanding and support!
Thursday 26th March 2020
Hi, welcome back!
Today at 8pm the UK stood on their balconies, opened their windows, went to their gardens or front doors to clap for the NHS workers, private health care workers and all key workers that are going to work every day to keep people safe during this covid-19 lockdown.
As a key worker in the private care industry, playing my part by doing overtime while trying to look after my back injuries among other issues…I thought it was important for me to play my part in this national clap too!
I have to be honest…I was expecting it to be fairly quiet. I was alone because my partner wasn’t finishing his care shift just after 8pm…he had a little clap when he finished of course…but…I got my jacket on, took my tired butt to my balcony and started to clap.
…I was shocked at the site. People in the streets (2 metres or more away from anyone they don’t live with) on their balconies, in the windows and front doors, standing on the grass…clapping. They were just…clapping…for key workers…for so many people I know and work with…thanking them, thanking us!
It was surreal. It was wonderful. It was an amazing experience.
I even heard some fireworks in the far distance. We celebrated tonight, we celebrated the hard work that people are putting in during this lockdown. We celebrate the dedication they are showing and the risk they are taking. We celebrate them as individuals and key workers as a whole. I was also celebrating those who are taking the advice to stay at home, those who are reducing the risk to those around them, those who are preventing the spread and therefore preventing increased pressure to key workers.
If you clapped…thank you!
If you didn’t…that’s fine, just have a little clap now if you can.
My art is still available, both prints and commissions. I have set everything to pre-order status until further notice. I appreciate your understanding in these unique circumstances.
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Tuesday 24th March 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are keeping well. My partner and I are both well, still working, still isolating when we are not in work…just making sure everyone is staying safe and well.
Isolating at home won’t be easy for anyone and we want to make sure that we have routines and some guaranteed “me time” and “us time”. So me and my other half have started a new anime series to keep us entertained on our days off work. Can you tell which series we have just begun watching…yes I know I am very far behind haha!
If you don’t recognise this, it is from a show called Naruto…which I would recommend…though we are only about 20 episodes in.
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Sunday 22nd March 2020
Hi, welcome back!
Happy Mother’s Day!
I am very lucky to have a wonderful, caring person who I can call Mum. I am forever grateful for the love and support she has given me…from the day she knew she was pregnant with me she loved me unconditionally. Lucky for me since I was a bit of a brat child!
I am gutted to not be able to see her today due to the Covid-19 outbreak. As you know, I have been socially distancing myself for some time…but as of today I am partially isolating. Don’t worry…I am still symptom free!
I told you the other day that I work in a care home…my partner works in the same home. Therefore, I have decided that social distancing is not enough for me. I will be working and coming home, I will continue to take special measures to protect the health of the residents and the health of myself and my other half. Unfortunately, that means I won’t see my Mum until after isolation has finished, to protect her health as well.
Commissions and prints are still available! These are currently on pre-order status until further notice. Thank you for understanding and for your continued support!
Continue to look after yourself and those around you. Please wash your hands. Please stay safe.
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Friday 20th March 2020
Hi, welcome back!
Yesterday, day and night were of equal length…which means that today we move into the next season. In the northern hemisphere…where I am…that is Spring! I wanted to celebrate the new season with a new piece of art…
So as promised, I have returned with my “Spring 2020” art. I hope you like it!
You could own a “Spring 2020” of your own! Get in touch with me for your “Spring 2020” print at
This is a 6×8″ (15x20cm) print for £10 including 1st class p&p.
you can also get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Thursday 19th March 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are happy and healthy! Let’s talk today about something that is on everybody’s mind…Coronavirus.
You may or may not know, but I work in a care home so it is vital that I am extra careful when it comes to outbreaks such as this one. I can safely say that so far I have been lucky enough to be completely symptom free and have actively avoided social contact with any known carriers of the virus or anyone who may have come into contact with it.
Wash your hands regularly…do not assume that hand sanitiser is enough…WASH YOUR HANDS.
Stay safe yourself…and keep others safe too!
…and yes, my other half was sent home from university early. Which is good for me because I missed him!
This is all I will say on this subject for the time being…I hope you are safe… know that I am safe…and come back tomorrow to check out my artwork celebrating the first day of spring!
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Tuesday 17th March 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I hope you are well? I have been feeling unwell again today…no it isn’t the virus…we think it is a bad reaction to some new medication.
So today I have spent most of my time resting. Between the dizziness and shaky hands, I haven’t been able to do any of my commission art today. So I just threw together a bit of a doodle. Which took longer than normal and has very shaky lines…but at least I felt like I was doing something with my time…I don’t like feeling as if I haven’t achieved something, that is just me, everyone is different. Rest is important though so I made sure to take regular breaks to lie down.
My art today is all about St Patrick’s Day because that is today! I know I am Manchester born and bred, but I do have Irish in my family history. If I am not mistaken…it was my Great Grandmothers’ Father who came to England from Ireland.
I always thought that I was English and Irish, but recently we have discovered that there may be some Scottish several generations back as well…never visited, always wanted to.
I have visited Ireland a few times though…I have been to Dublin a couple of times, obviously enjoying the tour bus, zoo, Guinness factory, art museums, history museums…all sorts. Not forgetting one of my favourite food places – Supermacs!! I have also visited Cork, which is where my family came from during their residence in Ireland. I would love to visit during one of the St Patrick’s Day parades!
Anyway…here is my wobbly St Patrick’s Day art. It is an 8×6 drawing using markers – I think I am due some new markers as these are becoming quite streaky now too…so I better get on that asap!
Hope you like it…and I hope you had a better Paddy’s day than I did!
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Sunday 15th March 2020
Hi, welcome back!
When I was 20 I left home (Manchester) to study full time at university for 4 years (Sheffield). I left my other half behind for a term at a time. We had been together almost 3 years by this point so it wasn’t easy…but we managed. We saw each other once or twice a month for a day or two.
More than 7 years on, it is his turn to leave me to go to uni…way up the top of Yorkshire. He is studying part time so he will only have to leave for a week at a time, and I have my folks to help with my care needs while he is away…but this time I live with him and we have animals and a home to look after. We have been together over 10 years now, engaged for more than 4 of those…so I guess that is why it feels more difficult this time. Even though it is just one week at a time, it is something we aren’t used to.
Like I say though…I have family who can look after me temporarily (they were supposed to go away but most travel has been cancelled now). I also go back to work tomorrow, so for three days I will be around familiar faces…and the rest of the time I will be working on my commissions so hopefully the week won’t feel so long.
Tonight, we will go for a quick drink with his university friend then we will just have a relaxed evening with a movie and some good food…early start for him tomorrow, he has a long journey ahead of him before his morning induction!
Wish him luck with his first day of university…I am so proud of him!
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Friday 13th March 2020
Hi, welcome back!
Happy Friday 13th! Are you superstitious? Are you Triskaidekaphobic?
Apparently Friday 13th is considered a very bad day…or a very unlucky day.
Some say that we are being punished for arresting the Knights Templar on Friday 13th in the middle ages…which eventually led to them being tortured and sentenced to burn alive at the stake.
Others believe that Friday 13th is bad luck because of Jesus’ crucifixion on good Friday…with 13 people attending the last supper on Maundy Thursday.
I also found this story: Gioachino Antonio Rossini is an Italian composer who…it is said…may have believed that Friday is an unlucky day, and 13 is an unlucky number. He then passed away on Friday 13th 1868. Do you know if this is true?
We also have an American Horror film called Friday the 13th…which I won’t be watching any time soon, thank you very much!!
Whatever the reason, it is clear that many people find Friday 13th to be an unlucky day. Mine has not been bad this time round…I hope you haven’t had an unlucky day.
Here’s a little superstition cartoon for you, whatever you believe. I hope you like it.
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Thursday 12th March 2020
Hi, welcome back!
Hope all is well with you..? I have started to regain my strength since feeling unwell, so I have spent the last couple of days working predominantly on one of my commission pieces and sending updates to my client who requested this art.
The request is for a large drawing of a beautiful dog. I am going into a lot of detail with this artwork as my client wants to capture the beauty of the dogs fur, so I am taking time to create this piece in order to fully incorporate the textures and colours of the fur.
With permission from my clients, I do like to put my commissions on my website…but this one is not ready yet.
So…I drew a cute dog picture…it doesn’t look like the one I am drawing for my commission. The commission is more of a realism piece of art, where this is a very cartoon like piece. They also have different colours and textures of fur…but I just had dog drawing in my imagination when I was thinking about my blog today.
I like this cartoon dog picture, I hope you do too! I named him “Doggo”, isn’t he cute!?
If you like him, you could own a “Doggo” of your own! He is now available as a limited addition print…get in touch with me for your “Doggo” print at
This is a 5×7″ (13x18cm) print for £8.50 including 1st class p&p.
Keeping with the animal theme, for every “Doggo” print sold, £1 will be donated to one of my favourite charities, Society for Abandoned Animals in Sale. You can find out more about them here:
You can also email me at the same address for your own bespoke commission or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here at
Tuesday 10th March 2020
Hi! Welcome back.
So today I have been feeling super unwell and decided to get a decent amount of rest to recuperate. There is nothing wrong with resting from time to time..look after yourself!
Anyway…my version of resting was playing a game that I haven’t played in such a long time. So I had an argument with the console and finally got my game set up…should have just asked for help because it took way too long to figure out how to set it up haha!
So I spent most of the day playing this game, it is called Fallout 4. Have you played it? I have been playing this game on and off for so long, I have managed to get into the institute but I have just been doing side quests since then so I don’t think I have finished the story yet.
Here’s my little doodle for my journal entry today! Hope you like it.
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Thanks for visiting. See you soon!
Sunday 8th March 2020
Hi, welcome back.
Happy International Women’s Day!
We celebrate today to appreciate female kind and fight for worldwide equality. For me, International Women’s Day (and International Men’s Day later in the year) is not about one gender being better than another or appreciating one gender more than another. It is about all genders being treated with the same level of respect and love.
I was working today so I did not do much to celebrate but after work I met a couple of friends and we sat and had a good old natter…it wasn’t a group of women, but a group of friends. We treated each other fairly and with kindness and love despite our differences…that is what matters to me.
Different people will value different things in others. Some say that our Queen Elizabeth is an inspirational woman for being our longest reigning monarch; others say that Amika George is an inspirational woman because of the free periods campaign. I do not disagree…but if you ask me, every person is an inspiration to someone, if they act with love and kindness in their hearts and treat others with dignity and respect.
You are an inspiration to someone!
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Thanks for visiting, see you later.
Friday 6th March 2020
Hi! Welcome back!
So today my other half…who is currently a Senior Carer, training to be a Clinical Practitioner at the care home he works at…had his interview for university to study for a Nurse Associate degree.
We spent the day preparing for his interview and making sure he was confident that he had an answer for every possible question that could be asked…and he also spent some time relaxing, because as well all know, interviews can be nerve-racking…a decent amount of preparation is good, but so is rest!
He gets on the phone and I can hear him from the other room answering his questions, he seemed a little bit nervous but he was doing brilliantly (not that I could actually hear the conversation, but his tone of voice was spot on).
Half an hour later, he gets a call and excitedly goes to the other room where it is quiet. I sneak in to listen. He is stood there, politely listening and responding, shaking, not smiling, not frowning….no clues here!
“Really?!” he exclaims, beaming from ear to ear. “Thank you so much, thank you!!”…there’s me, clapping and cheering silently in the background.
My partner got into university today! He will become a Nurse Associate…and eventually a nurse if he chooses to. I couldn’t be prouder of him and all his hard work even if I tried…I just had to tell you (with his permission).
Here is a bookmark I made for him when he started his Clinical Practitioner training, so that he can keep his page in his notebook.
Get in touch with me for your own bookmark or for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Thursday 5th March 2020
Hi, happy world book day!!
The kids are dressing up at school, acknowledging the hard work of authors and illustrators and the whole bookmakers world. We celebrate the enjoyment of reading and be thankful that we know how to read and have books at our disposal. We also raise awareness of those who do not have this privilege…with the World Book Day charity helping children and young people gain access to books.
You probably don’t know, but I had difficulties with my reading when I was growing up…so I didn’t like to read at all. Eventually, I found a story that I loved so much I just had to keep trying, I was invested, I needed to know what happened next.
So I persevered and slowly but surely I learned to love reading! For me, this story was Harry Potter…for you, it may be something else, but I will always be thankful that I found something that made me WANT to read.
I celebrate world book day today to be grateful for the stories that led me to push past my reading barriers.
I celebrate world book day today to tell you that just because you are struggling with something, it doesn’t mean you can never do it.
I celebrate world book day today to help raise awareness of those who have no access to books or do not yet know how to read them.
I celebrate world book day today by making a bookmark for myself…so every time I read a book, I can remind myself of just how lucky I am to have access to all these wonderful stories and know how to read them.
Get in touch with me for your own bookmark or for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Tuesday 3rd March 2020
Hi, welcome back!
I don’t know about you but I absolutely LOVE Studio Ghibli films. I have not seen them all yet…but…they are being put onto Netflix at the moment so I have been watching more of them.
One of my favourite TV shows as a child was called The Borrowers, so when I found out that Studio Ghibli had a version of the story called Arrietty…well I didn’t need telling twice. So today I sat down, snacks to one side, cats to the other, and I watched Arrietty for the first time. Of course I loved it!
Before long I found myself doodling and couldn’t resist drawing something from the movie…cats headbutting my arm and chewing on the end of my pencil…of course! So I used them as inspiration and drew the kitty from the film.
I hope you like it!
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Monday 2nd March 2020
Hi! Thanks for stopping by.
So I was wondering…have you see that new Star Wars film?
Well…I say new…it has actually been out for a while now! Anyway, I saw the newest Star Wars film at the beginning of January. I never got into Star Wars until the other half had me sit and watch it and now I love it.
The new film made me want to watch the prequel series, spoilers, I’m only 2 episodes in haha! I was hooked as soon as I saw baby Yoda though.
I love cute things, and I think a lot of things are cute! Like in the movie there is a robot that I thought was so cute I just HAD to draw it in my journal. D-O…I love it!
One great thing about drawing for a private journal is that nothing has to be perfect, you just…draw. So on those days when you don’t feel 100% yourself…draw for you.
Check out the rest of my art in the “gallery” tab and if you want to get in touch with me for commissions reach me at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Saturday 29th February 2020
Happy Leap Year!…and…Happy 1 Week Birthday!
Today is exactly 1 week since I sent my website live. I cannot believe how quickly that has gone…and how much I have been able to get done! Thank you so much for your support, you are amazing and without you this would not be possible.
I celebrated by going to Fleetwood for the day, which is coastal town in Lancashire…so it isn’t too far from Manchester, making it a nice day trip…even with the strong winds and tonnes of rain!
You can’t keep me away from drawing for long though, as soon as I got home I went straight to my desk to work on my art.
Do what makes you happy!
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Friday 28th February 2020
Hi, thanks again for dropping by. I really hope that looking at my art brings you as much joy as drawing it does for me!
I draw something every day, whether it’s a commission, a gift or something in my sketchbook; as long as I am drawing daily, I am happy.
I wanted to show you some of my sketchbook work today. When I am not doing a full drawing for someone, I am practicing my drawing…because who ever said they had learnt EVERYTHING?!
One of my favourite ways to practise my drawing is by doing studies. I studied my own hands here and I love how accurate these are…later realising that I actually have quite short fingers. (Yes I compared my fingers to the drawings afterwards to check if they are actually that short…haha).
If you like this, you ought to go check out my BRAND NEW page in the gallery section called “studies” where I have uploaded some more of my drawings…this time not of myself!
See you there!
Get in touch with me for commissions at or for general enquiries you can Facebook message me here –
Wednesday 26th February 2020
Hi all, I hope you are getting used to my new website, thank you so much for visiting.
As you know, I do a lot of drawing and painting, I use a variety of media and produce quite different work.
What you probably don’t know is…I also crochet on the side. I only learned how to crochet less than 2 years ago when I was shown a basic flower pattern and built up from there by self teaching…and A LOT of video tutorials!
Yesterday I finished this little beauty. He is about 13cm tall from the top of his ears to his bottom. When this was requested from me, it was specified that he should be quite small, so I used a mixture of wool (for the crocheting part) and different coloured felt for the smaller details.
What do you think of him? Let me know by leaving me a comment on his photo on my Facebook page
If you like the look of him and want me to make you a nice stuffed animal please get in touch with me at
Monday 24th February 2020
Wow! You are all such wonderful people! Thank you so much for your support in these first couple of days, I have been given so much positive feedback about my new website. If you told me this time last year that I would build and run my own website based around my art I would have laughed, but look at me proving past Sally wrong!
I have had a busy couple of days since going live with my site; I am working on two commissions and a gift. I have also been asking around for some more testimonials and today one came through. I did this particular art for Martin Wells who runs a not-for-profit prostate cancer group and those viewing it were moved when I first showed them, so I am really looking forward to sharing it with you all.
Let’s see what Martin has to say about this art, ey? Just click on that “testimonial” button in the menu.
See you there!
Feel free to contact me with any queries at for commissions or for anything else.
Saturday 22nd February 2020
You’ll never guess what…I have a website!
You know, I was doubtful that I would be able to build this website; I struggle with technology at times…but I did it! I have taught myself how to build a website! I can’t believe it, but here it is, up and running and I think I have done a good job…what do you think?
During this process I have learnt how to set up domains and emails, build and personalise a website, and I am even in the process of watermarking my work.
I want to take a quick minute here, as this is my first ever blog, to say a huge thank you to everyone who has supported me so far! From those giving me encouragement and “tech” support, to my lovely customers, I couldn’t have gotten this far without them…and without YOU visiting my website! So…
Thank you!!
Please take a good look around my new website and keep coming back for regular updates. Feel free to contact me with any queries at for commissions or for anything else.